NOCoE Summit and Peer Exchange Reports

NOCoE Summits

Accelerating TSMO Deployments Summit | Virtual | September 2023

The 2023 TSMO Virtual Summit was held on September 26th and 28th, 2023. 

The summit achieved the following outcomes:

  • Thought leaders shared learnings to establish an understanding of the problems of accelerating TSMO deployment.
  • Participants identified emerging technologies and strategies and their deployment needs. 
  • Attendees identified communication and outreach strategies to elevate the successes of current TSMO practices.
  • A set of action items was developed for TSMO industry to accelerate deployments. 

View the full report.

2nd Workforce Development Summit | Virtual | September 2021

The 2nd Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce Development Summit was held virtually on On September 21 and 23, 2021.

Attendees included a broad range of over fifty state DOT, city, county, planning organization, academic, association and industry representatives. This included a blend of TSMO practitioners and human resource (HR) professionals. As Martin Knopp, Associate Administer for Operations, FHWA, said, NOCoE gathered the “hall of fame of TSMO practitioners.”

Full Report

TSMO Funding Summit | Nashville, TN | August 2019

On August 7-8, 2019, the National Operations Center of Excellence convened a group of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) practitioners from state, regional and local transportation agencies to discuss major practices around funding and planning for TSMO within their transportation departments. 

The two goals of the 2019 NOCoE TSMO Funding Summit were:

  1. Identify the current practices for funding of TSMO.
  2. Identify current practices, along with research and resource needs, for integrating TSMO into the capital improvement process.

This report provides details on how TSMO is currently deployed in a variety of transportation agencies. Gaps in how TSMO is deployed and funded inside transportation agencies were identified via in-depth discussions. Practitioners also identified a number of research and resource needs to efficiently advance the adoption of TSMO. 

Full report

Workforce Development Summit | Linthicum, MD | June 2016

The National Operations Center of Excellence’s (NOCoE) hosted a two-day summit on TSMO workforce development on June 22–23, 2016. 

The goal of the summit was to identify viable actions that NOCoE can either influence and encouragement the development of additional resources for TSMO workforce development.

 In preparation for the summit, NOCoE produced three white papers focused on the current workforce environment for the TSMO community prepared in advance of the summit. The white papers provided context and discussion starting points by focusing on four key issues: institutional context for TSMO in transportation agencies, professional capacity building needs vs. available resources, recruitment, retention, and career development.

One significant outcome of this summit was the development of the TSMO Workforce Development Guidebook and subsequent NOCoE TSMO Workforce Portal

Read ahead materials and more information on the summit can be found here.

Full Report

NOCoE Peer Exchanges


2024 Peer Exchanges

Traffic Signal Systems, Arterial Management, and TSMO (September 2024)

The National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) hosted the Traffic Signal Systems, Arterial Management and TSMO Virtual Peer Exchange with the participation of transportation agency professionals experienced in developing and implementing in plans, programs, policies, and projects in arterial management to support TSMO in their jurisdictions.

2026 FIFA World Cup Planning Workshop Report (September 2024)

This workshop was organized to prepare for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, focusing on transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) strategies to ensure safe and efficient mobility. The event featured presentations, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities, with speakers from various transportation and security agencies sharing their expertise and insights.

2024 Active Transportation (June 2024)

This interactive discussion, hosted by the National Operations Center of Excellence and ITS America, offered an opportunity to explore select key topics of interest related to advancing Active Transportation in 2024.

Emergency Operations and TSMO (April/May 2024)

This peer exchange shared knowledge, best practices, and innovations that helped foster on-going collaborations with professionals. The exchange contributes to continuous improvement, ensuring transportation systems, management and operations are safer and more resilient in the face of disasters.

Work Zone Management and TSMO (March 2024)

This peer exchange hosted transportation agency professionals with experience and interest in developing, implementing, and managing maintenance and construction work zones.

2023 Peer Exchanges

Planning for TSMO (December 2023)

This peer exchange focused on integrating management and operations strategies into transportation planning to improve system performance and foster collaboration among local, regional, and state agencies.

Public Communications and TSMO (October 2023)

This peer exchange helped share information on best practices, regular challenges, and resources needs around public communications and transportation systems management and operations (TSMO).

Benefit-Cost and TSMO (July 2023)

This peer exchange hosted transportation agency professionals with experience in developing, implementing, and justifying to decision-makers benefit-cost and/or return on investment analyses for TSMO projects and programs to support policy makers and agency leadership.

Funding for TSMO (May 2023)

This peer exchange hosted transportation agency professionals with experience in developing, implementing, and justifying to decision-makers funding requests for TSMO projects and programs to support policy makers and agency leadership.

2022 Peer Exchanges

Agency Perspectives on Cost / Benefit Methods and TSMO (December 2022)

This virtual peer exchange hosted transportation agency professionals with experience in developing, implementing, and justifying to decision-makers cost / benefit and/or return on investment analysis for TSMO projects and programs to support policy makers and agency leadership.

Regional Collaborations (November 2022)

This peer exchange focused on collaboration in a regional context, and had representatives of local agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), state departments of transportation (DOTs), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Road Weather Management (September 2022)

This peer exchange hosted transportation agency professionals with experience in developing and implementing road weather management strategies.

Intercorridor Management (ICM) (August 2022)

This peer exchange hosted practitioners experienced in developing and implementing ICM deployments, and practitioners looking to develop new ICM sites.

Workforce Development 2022 (June 2022)

This peer exchange followed the Center’s second Workforce Development Summit that took place in September 2021. The Summit engaged TSMO thought leaders to identify the workforce challenges and needs of the future and to consider how best the Center continue to focus on workforce matters given its importance as one of three NOCoE Strategic Goals.

2021 Peer Exchanges

Innovative Procurement and Contracting (May 2021)

This peer exchange brought together TSMO professional and contracting experts that work with the agencies to procure TSMO services and projects. They discussed procuring technology, performance based contracts, leveraging funding, and more.

Data Governance for TSMO (April 2021)

This peer exchange helped share knowledge between operations practitioners from transportation public agencies and other stakeholder groups.

TSMO and MOD Integration (Feb 2021)

This peer exchange focused on the application of MOD in the TSMO space, examining the MOD building blocks of data services, and infrastructure services and operations services as crosscutting topic related to integration of Mobility on Demand (MOD) and TSMO.

2020 Peer Exchanges

Asset Management (October 2020)

This peer exchange covered Defining Transportation Asset Management for TSMO and ITS, Developing Inventories for TSMO and ITS Assets, Tracking and Updating TSMO and ITS Inventories, and Operating and Maintaining TSMO and ITS Assets.

2019 Peer Exchanges

Operations and Maintenance (June 2019)

Hosted by the Alabama Department of Transportation, this peer exchange helped facilitate a transfer of knowledge between state DOT operations and maintenance practitioners around the country.

Road Weather Management (June 2019)

This peer exchange helped to identify key activities and actions required to advance the practice of road weather management across the country.

Regional and Local Agency (May 2019)

This peer exchange brought together regional and local agencies from across the US to discuss the deployment of TSMO practices with various regional and local structures, lessons learned from implementing TSMO programs in local and regional agencies, and how to encourage the adoption of TSMO practices.

Smart Work Zones (March 2019)

In this peer exchange, State DOTs discussed how Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) can support more efficient work zone operation.

2018 Peer Exchanges

Freight & TSMO (September 2018)

This peer exchange helped facilitate the knowledge transfer between TSMO and freight practitioners of transportation public agencies, private agencies, and other stakeholder groups.

Performance-Based Contracting (June 2018)

In this peer exchange, State DOTs discussed and shared the successes and challenges of executing a performance-based contract with a focus on Traffic Operations Centers and Freeway Service Patrols.

Planning for 2024 Total Solar Eclipse with 2017 Lessons Learned (April 2018)

The National Operations Center of Excellence gathered after action resources for the Total Solar Eclipse that took place on August 21, 2017. The path of totality covered 14 states West to East across the country.

SPaT Challenge (February 2018)

In this peer exchange, State DOTs discussed and shared the successes and challenges of deploying SPaT Challenge.

2017 Peer Exchanges

Regional and Local TSMO (October 2017)

In this peer exchange, attendees discussed the roles of regional and local agencies in Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSMO).

TSMO Strategies (STSMO-SCOWCT Annual Meeting) (September 2017)

In this peer exchange, State DOTs discussed and shared the successes and challenges of advancing TSMO strategies.

Communicating the Future of Transportation (April 2017)

In this peer exchange, attendees discussed how communications can assist and enable transportation systems management & operations and transportation technology.

2016 Peer Exchanges

2016 Southeast (December 2016)

The 2016 NOCoE Southeast Peer Exchange was held on December 7th & 8th, 2016, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

TMC Staffing & Operations (November 2016)

This peer exchange brought together agencies from across the United States to share some of their best practices, challenges, and lessons learned, as they have refined their own TMC operations.

2016 Southwest (October 2016)

The 2016 NOCoE Southwest Peer Exchange was held on October 4th & 5th, 2016, in Denver, Colorado.

2016 Midwest (September 2016)

This peer exchange covered topics such as Emerging technologies for connected vehicle infrastructure readiness, TSMO business processes & planning, and TSMO performance measures & management.