On April 2, April 9, and April 16, 2021, the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) hosted a virtual peer exchange on Data Governance for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). The peer exchange brought together 30 participants from 12 agencies representing different jurisdictions across the country. The purpose of the peer exchange was to share knowledge between operations practitioners from transportation public agencies and other stakeholder groups.
The overall theme for this event centered on optimizing data management practices to improve agency’s transportation systems management and operations. Presentations covered the following topics (See agenda):
- Topic 1: Organizational Elements for Data Governance – Integration (Presentations: AASHTO, MN DOT, and OH DOT)
- Topic 2: Organizational Elements for Data Governance – Processes and Partnerships (Presentations: US DOT and IA DOT)
- Topic 3: Using Data in Strategic-level Decision Making for TSMO – Current Data Needs (Presentations: WA DOT and MARC)
- Topic 4: Using Data in Strategic-level Decision Making for TSMO – Future Data Needs
- Roundtable Discussion: Organization and Workforce Implications for TSMO Data Governance
The rest of this report includes a section on each of the topic areas above. Each section includes a high-level summary of the topics followed by a detailed summary of discussion highlights. This report was authored by Niloo Parvinashtiani and reviewed by the peer exchange planning committee, presenters, and attendees.