These seven customizable tools are designed to facilitate agency communication about TSM&O to three target audiences:
- Decision Makers – includes policy decision makers and any staff that recommend funding allocations to policy makers
- Implementers – includes all functional area practitioners that plan, design, implement, or operate TSM&O improvements or services
- Travelers – includes passenger and freight users of the transportation system
Customize these tools to your agency’s context and branding:

Use this presentation to help educate DOT decision makers and make the case for increased TSM&O investment to reduce congestion, improve safety

Use this Presentation to help educate Metropolitan Planning Organization decision makers and make the case for increased TSM&O investment to re

Use this presentation to introduce the basic concepts of TSM&O to practitioners and encourage them identify and use existing data and resources

Customize this brochure to inform the traveling public about what your agency is doing to improve reliability by applying TSM&O strategies—and

Customize this fact sheet to inform agency implementers about TSM&O strategies and how collaboration and demonstrating results are keys to succ
Tailor this draft editorial using local context to broaden the public’s understanding of your agency’s responsibility for TSM&O activities and
Use these talking points to quickly communicate the value of TSM&O to the public, freight providers, or emergency management. Tailor them to yo