NOCoE 2019 Road Weather Management Peer Exchange


On June 25 - 26, 2019, the National Operations Center of Excellence conducted a peer exchange on road weather management in Salt Lake City, Utah. The agenda and format was developed by the leadership of the AASHTO Committee of Transportation Systems Operations (CTSO) Community of Practice (CoP) on Road Weather Management (RWM), and the peer exchange sought to identify key activities and actions required to advance the practice of road weather management across the country. Full proceedings of the peer exchange are available here.

The peer exchange focused on 4 topics within road weather management that a previous CoP survey identified as priority areas:

  1. Integrating Mobile Observations about road weather for decision-making
  2. Variable Speed Limits driven by road weather
  3. Real-Time Warnings: Active real-time motorist warning systems for road weather hazards (road ice, wind, visibility, flooding, etc.)
  4. Predictive traffic models: Predictive traffic condition models integrating road weather forecasts

After hearing leading agency's discuss their projects in each of the four areas, attendees conducted table-top excercises to identify the key actions required to advance the practice, including such ideas as the development of standards, model concepts of operations, or advancing research.

These actions will be finalized and delivered to the appropriate AASHTO Committees and Communities of Practice.

Operations Area of Practice

    Active Traffic Management (ATM)
    Freeway Management
    Detection Systems
    Real Time Traveler Information
    Transportation Management Centers (TMC / TOC)
    Road Weather Management
    Equipment Management
    Sign Maintenance and Replacement
    Freight Management

Organizational Capability Element

    Freeway Operations
    Freight Management Operations
    Emergency Transportation Operations
    Road Weather Management
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing

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