CEO Briefing Book on Effective Operations Improvement Strategies


Many key decision makers in transportation—whether elected or appointed—have a modest background in transportation. It is important to provide them with information that presents the payoffs from increased program attention and investments in TSM&O.

This CEO Briefing Book documents project success stories from the implementation of operational improvements for a range of state and regional contexts across the United States. They provide compelling examples that demonstrate the advantages of investing in operational improvements. Each project success story includes a brief summary of the problem, solution, results, cost, “what's in it for me,” resource links, and contact information.

Source Organization Location


Operations Area of Practice

    Communicating Reliability Information
    Cost / Benefit Analysis

Organizational Capability Element

    Outreach & Marketing

Content Type

FAQs / Benefits Brochure

Role in Organization

Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Director / Program Manager
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager

Maturity Level of Program

Monitoring (L4)
Deployment (L3)
Assessment (L1)
Development (L2)


Available Tools

Document Downloads

Prime Contractor
Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Zachary Horowitz,
Wayne Kittelson,
John Zegeer, and
Brandon Nevers
TOM Chapters
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Issue Date