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NOCoE ICM Peer Exchange - Summary


NOCoE’s Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Peer Exchange was intended to host both practitioners experienced in developing and implementing ICM deployments as well as practitioners looking to develop new ICM sites.

The peer exchange was virtual and held on August 23 and August 25, 2022. While specific locations were invited to both speak and attend, the peer exchange was also  open to observation to all TSMO stakeholders.

The following report, available for download below, captures the conversations, lessons learned, and successful practices shared around ICM under the following topics: 

  • ICM defined/Organizing for ICM
  • What is readiness?
  • Elements of readiness
  • Roundtable from site representatives
  • Decision support systems and process enabled by technology
  • Are we prepared? How will we know? 
  • Key ICM resources
  • Next steps and key topic areas for future

Operations Area of Practice

    Interagency Agreements / Cooperation / MOUs

Organizational Capability Element

    Integrated Corridor Management

Content Type

State-of-the Practice

Publishing Organization


Document Downloads