The AASHTO Transportation Systems Management and Operations Guidance is a web-based self-assessment guidance was designed for transportation agency managers whose span of control relates to the operations and management of the roadway system. Audiences include policy makers and program managers responsible for transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) programs and ITS programs at both the state and regional level, as well as managers of systems operations related activities such as traffic engineering, maintenance, and public safety. It is available at: http://www.aashtotsmoguidance.org/
The guidance is based on the a capability maturity model (CMM) approach developed for the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2 Project L06) by a Parsons Brinckerhoff-led team working closely with the AASHTO Subcommittee on TSM&O. This team developed the interactive web application under an AASHTO-sponsored National Cooperative Highway Research Program project (NCHRP 3-94).
The One-Minute Evaluation feature and Guidance have been used in several collaborative workshop and training applications among states and metropolitan regions since 2010. They have formed the basis for a series of agency self assessments and TSM&O improvement implementation plans, sponsored initially by SHRP2 and now by FHWA, expected to number nearly 40 by the end of 2014. The same framework has also been used in the SHRP2 Regional Operations Forums and the National Operations Academy™ for Senior Managers, and in several other TSM&O applications.