The Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) affords a unique opportunity for every Traffic Incident Management (TIM) community member to make a difference individually and jointly for roadway safety during traffic incidents. National, state, and local organizations can be a CRSW Ally in Action by sharing how your organization promoted CRSW in year 2024. Upload your organization’s logo through the CRSW Ally in Action form to be featured through future FHWA CRSW outreach efforts.
The year 2025 theme will be announced during the August 2025 CRSW All States Planning webinar. Register for the 2025 CRSW All States Planning webinars, or review previous years’ Planning webinars here.
Review the CRSW 2024 Outreach Toolkit to learn more about social media messaging and other key resources. The day-of-week social media themes coordinated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program and the National CRSW Committee for year 2024 are summarized below.
Day of Week | Messaging Focus |
Monday, 11/18 | Responders Ahead! Reduce Your Speed As You Proceed. |
Tuesday, 11/19 | Driver Education |
Wednesday, 11/20 | Responder Training |
Thursday, 11/21 | More Than a Crash |
Friday, 11/22 | Slow Down, Move Over |
The following resources provide additional information on events and resources related to CRSW:
- What is Crash Responder Safety Week?
- National Kickoff Webinar for CRSW
- All State Planning Webinars are a great platform to learn from and share with your peer States how to plan for CRSW for greatest impact.
- CRSW Outreach Toolkit – offers templates for a press release, video script for your organization’s executive leader, newsletter, flyer, and sample social media messages for organizations and responders.
- CRSW Activities and related resources:
What is Crash Responder Safety Week
Every few seconds, a traffic incident responder puts his or her life on the line to aid crash victims and to safely and quickly clear crashes as well as other traffic incidents that could otherwise result in a secondary crash. Every year traffic incident responders are killed in the line of duty or bear life-long scars from life-altering injuries.
Crash Responder Safety Week affords a unique opportunity for every Traffic Incident Management (TIM) community member to make a difference individually and jointly for roadway safety during traffic incidents. Traffic incident response is a collaborative effort engaging EMS, law enforcement, fire and rescue, public works, towing and recovery, transportation, and other disciplines. TIM communities across the nation come together this week by teaching each other and all road users about our common goal and responsibility for safe, quick roadway clearance. TIM communities use this week to:
- Remind all road users to slow down, move over, and remain alert when approaching all forms of traffic incident response activity –whether aiding a stalled vehicle, clearing roadway debris, or responding to a crash.
- Encourage all traffic incident responders to complete the free, four-hour National TIM Responder training.
The Federal Highway Administration began commemorating CRSW in year 2016, although back then it was called National Traffic Incident Responder Awareness Week (NTIRAW). CRSW takes place annually the second full week in November. Today CRSW is used by national associations, state departments of transportation and departments of public safety, metropolitan planning organizations, and local departments of public works, cities, and individual responders to bring attention to traffic incident responder safety. To learn more about CRSW, please visit the FHWA CRSW site.
National Kickoff Webinar for CRSW – November 17, 2025, at 1 p.m. ET
The National Kickoff Webinar for CRSW is hosted by the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program. The webinar will honor TIM responders, feature messages from national leaders and on-the-ground responder, and spotlight responder safety efforts taking place this week.
The webinar will also invite responders and organizations across our nation to sign the National CRSW Proclamation. Be sure to register and take part in this signature kickoff event for Crash Responder Safety Week.
- 2024 National Kickoff Webinar | View Webinar
- 2023 National Kickoff Webinar | View Webinar
- 2022 National Kickoff Webinar | View Webinar
- 2021 National Kickoff Webinar | View Webinar
All State Planning Webinars for CRSW
TIM professionals, State and local public information and communications officers, and response community leaders are invited to participate in the annual All-State Planning webinar series. Each webinar feature expert(s) related to a key outreach mechanism for CRSW. The series offers a platform for response organizations to learn and share how they intend to use CRSW to advance responder safety.
The FHWA TIM Program team (Jim Austrich, Paul Jodoin, and Joe Tebo) also conducts a roll call, requesting that responder communities in each State highlight their plans to commemorate the week. The FHWA TIM Program Team kindly request highlights be limited to a minute or two. To be considered as a featured presenter in an upcoming All State Planning webinar, please reach out to any of the TIM Team members. Register for the All State Planning webinar series.
CRSW 2024 All State Webinar Recordings:
- July 10, 2024 – This ASW focuses on securing and using Governor and local CRSW proclamations. The webinar features information from Wisconsin DOT and a CRSW advocate securing multiple local CRSW proclamation. | View Webinar.
- Aug 14, 2024 – This ASW focuses on mass training, mass media outreach, and changeable message sign use for CRSW. The webinar features information from CalTrans, New Jersey DOT, and Arizona Department of Health. | View Webinar.
- October 9, 2024 – This ASW highlights the background of CRSW and the 2024 message. It also includes an overview of the Michigan CRSW Footprint presented by Dawn Miller from MDOT, along with a video from the American Public Works Association (APWA). | View Webinar.
CRSW 2023 All State Webinar Recordings:
- June 21, 2023 – This ASW covers the Governor Proclamation processes in Wisconsin and Montana and how States use the proclamation for mass media and social media outreach | View Webinar.
- July 12, 2023 – This ASW covers how Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey plan for activities such as mass media outreach, mass training, rest area messaging and other CRSW efforts | View Webinar
- August 9, 2023 – This ASW covers how Nevada, Virginia, and Wisconsin plan for the use of their State’s changeable message signs (CMS), and consideration related to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices | View Webinar
- September 13, 2023 – This ASW covers Maryland’s social media, television news, mass demonstration, and CMS event planning | View Webinar
- October 11, 2023 – This AWS will focus on planning local CRSW activities and walk through the resources (e.g., templates for a press release, flyer, social media messages, etc.) | View Webinar
CRSW 2022 All State Webinar Recordings:
- May 11, 2022 – This ASW covers core CRSW strategies that every State can establish | View Webinar
- July 13, 2022 – This ASW covers how to leverage mass media outreach channels such as television, radio, talk shows, print news and other creative strategies | View Webinar
- September 14, 2022 – This ASW shares resources to advance driver education for Slow Down Move Over Law adherence as well as to mitigate distracted driving during CRSW and beyond | View Webinar
CRSW 2021 All State Webinar Summaries:
- June 9, 2021 – What is CRSW? | View Summary
- July 14, 2021 – Governor’s Proclamations | View Summary
- August 11, 2021 – Mass Responder Training | View Summary
- September 8, 2021 – Dynamic Message Signs | View Summary
- October 13, 2021 – Video Testimonials | View Summary
CRSW 2024 Outreach Toolkit
The FHWA CRSW toolkit includes templates to help organizations promote CRSW:
Publish a CRSW article in your organization’s print or electronic newsletter (news article template) in October or early November.
Record a video message from your organization’s leadership to commemorate CRSW (video script template). Use the video message during CRSW on your website and social media messages.
Share widely a CRSW flyer, post in common spaces and high traffic areas the public. Be sure to use an image of responders from your organization.
Issue a press release from your organization commemorating CRSW (press release template).
Secure and share your government’s CRSW Proclamation (proclamation template).
Use social media (see table below) to promote CRSW. Includes visually impactful images, statistics, or links to relevant video content such as a leadership video message. Be sure to align your promotion, press outreach, and social media engagement with hundreds of other organizations. Using the table below. Use #CRSW when posting on social media.
Day of Week | Messaging Focus |
Monday, 11/18/2024 | Responders Ahead! Reduce Your Speed as You Proceed. |
Tuesday, 11/19/2024 | Driver Education |
Wednesday, 11/20/2024 | Responder Training |
Thursday, 11/21/2024 | More Than a Crash |
Friday, 11/22/2024 | Slow Down, Move Over |
Monday, Nov 18, 2024 – Responders Ahead! Reduce Your Speed As You Proceed.
The focus for Monday’s social media is bring awareness to CRSW using the theme, “Responders Ahead! Reduce Your Speed As You Proceed.”
Sample social media message for organizations:
[YOUR ORGANIZATION] stands with the U.S. Department of Transportation in bringing attention to Crash Responder Safety Week. When you see responders ahead, reduce your speed as you proceed. Stay alert for traffic incidents. #CRSW
- If your State Governor issued a CRSW Proclamation, highlight the Proclamation on your social media – “[YOUR ORGANIZATION] joins Governor [Name] in recognizing the critical role our traffic incident responders play in saving lives and keeping traffic moving. When you see responders ahead, reduce your speed as you proceed. #CRSW”
Sample social media message for responders:
- Deliver a message on social media – “As a [YOUR RESPONSE DISCIPLINE], I work roadside to keep all road users safe. This Crash Responder Safety Week, and every week, please respect my workspace by slowing down, moving over, and staying alert when you encounter an incident. #CRSW”
- Post a video message on social media – focus on your role in clearing roadway incidents and the risks you take while doing so. Let drivers know that “If you see me at work, reduce your speed as you proceed, and stay alert so we can all get home safe.”
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024 – Driver Education
The focus for Tuesday’s social media is to (1) communicate with the driver education community to cover State’s Move Over laws, and (2) ask everyone to teach safe driving behaviors around traffic incidents.
Sample social media message for organizations:
- Does your driver safety education cover your State’s Move Over laws? When approaching stationary responder vehicles, teach your students to “reduce their speed as they proceed” to keep them and responders safe. #CRSW
- Kids, teach your parents about Slow Down and Move Over laws. “Reduce your speed as you proceed” to keep everyone safe around traffic incidents. #CRSW
Sample social media message for responders:
- As a [EMS, firefighter, tower, freeway patrol professional, etc.] I teach by example. When I drive, I buckle up, put my phone away, and slow down and move over for all traffic incident responders. We want to get home safe just as much as you do, so please REDUCE YOUR SPEED AS YOU PROCEED. #CRSW
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 – Responder Training
The focus for Wednesday’s social media is to encourage responders complete the National TIM Responder training.
Sample social media message for organizations:
- This Crash Responder Safety Week, [YOUR AGENCY/ORGANIZATION] invites you to level up your traffic incident management (TIM) skills and get TIM trained for free. Learn and practice safe, quick roadway incident clearance and keep your fellow responder safe. #CRSW
- Whether you are an EMS, fire and rescue, law enforcement, public works, towing, transportation, or other traffic incident responder, this Crash Responder Safety Week, get TIM trained ( and TIMprove your skills. Do it for your family, fellow responders, and all road users #CRSW
Sample social media message for responders:
- At every crash scene I use what I learned in the FHWA National TIM Responder training. It keeps me up to speed with the latest traffic incident clearance practices. Let’s team up to get TIM’ed up! ( #CRSW
- Take the free FHWA National TIM Responder training today and TIMprove your skills for your family, fellow responders, and all road users. Let’s team up to get TIM’ed up! ( #CRSW
Thursday, Nov 21, 2024 – More Than a Crash
The focus for Thursday’s social media is to inform the public that CRSW is not just about safe driver behavior around roadway crashes, it about practicing safe driver behavior for all roadway incidents–whether a stalled vehicle, roadway debris, or other incident. Use this day to explain what traffic incident management is and why it matters. Consider adding a link to a video about your regions TIM program.
Sample social media message for organizations:
- On top of clearing 7 million traffic crashes annually, traffic incident responders work to clear stalled vehicles, roadway debris, and other incidents so you can travel safely. This Crash Responder Safety Week, and every week, show thanks to your responders by staying alert, slowing down, and moving over when you see them. #CRSW
- Almost 50,000 traffic incident responders work roadside every day to restore safe travel from crashes, spilled cargo and more. We do this for you, could you stay alert for us? #CRSW
- It’s Crash Responder Safety Week! Accidents happen, but our safety service patrol trucks are here to help. Don’t be a stranger and let us give you a hand. We can safely push you out of the road, fix a flat, provide fuel, and more. [Insert patrol contact information] #CRSW
Sample social media message for responders:
- Traffic incident management is a team effort that involves you too. I work with my partners in [add response disciplines] to keep the road clear and keep you moving. So, if you spot us working, help us help you by staying alert, slowing down, and moving over. #CRSW
- Whether a [ENTER EXAMPLES OF INCIDENTS YOU RESPOND TO: stalled vehicle, tire on the road, or an emergency pothole repair, etc.], I help clear the incident to keep you safe and on your way. If you see a roadway incident, help keep me safe by staying alert, slowing down, and moving over a lane. #CRSW
Friday, Nov 22, 2024 – Slow Down, Move Over
The focus for Thursday’s social media is to highlight the specifics of your State’s Move Over Laws such as response disciplines covered, slow down thresholds specified, and penalties.
Sample social media message for organizations:
- [State] Move Over Law require drivers to slow down [x mph below the posted speed limit] when passing [qualifying events] and move over if safe to do so. Be a fine driver not a fine collector and learn more today. [add link to your law] #CRSW
- Did you know that all 50 States and DC have Move Over laws requiring drivers to slow down and, if possible, move over when they are near stationary response vehicles? This Crash Responder Safety Week, learn more about your State’s Move Over law and do your part in keeping our roads safe. #CRSW
- During this Crash Responder Safety Week—and every week— See a responder ahead? Reduce your speed as you proceed. Slow down, move over, and stay alert when passing traffic incidents. #CRSW
Sample social media message for responders:
- One of the things I’m most worried about when wearing this uniform is being hit by a passing motorist. I want to be safe just as much as you do. So, if you see me in uniform, slow down, move over, and stay alert. Don’t just do it because t’s the law, do it for me. #CRSW
- As a [YOUR RESPONSE DISCIPLINE], I work to keep everyone safe on the road. So, if you see me hard at work, please help me out and slow down, move over, and stay alert. It’s not just the lawful thing to do, but the neighborly thing to do too. #CRSW
Governor, Mayoral, or County Executive Proclamations
A CRSW Proclamation from your Governor, Mayor, or County Executive provides visibility for this week, particularly with news outlets (television, print, and electronic). Proclamations should be cited in press releases and through social media. The Proclamation issuance can also be an opportunity to host an in-person signing event that engages the Governor, Mayor, County Executive, and responder communities (e.g., Police Chief, Fire Chief, Towing Association, etc.) and news media.
Obtaining a Governor’s CRSW proclamation is relatively simple but does require advance planning. The following resources offer how to obtain a Governor’s proclamation and examples of issued proclamations from previous years.
- Your State’s Governor’s Proclamation Request Process
- Year 2024 Governors’ Proclamations – AL, AZ, CO, CT, GA, HI, KY, MD, ME, MT, NC, NE, NJ, PA, TN, UT, VT, WA, WI, WV
- Year 2023 Governors’ Proclamations – AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IL, KY, ME, MD, MI, MO, MT, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WI
- Year 2022 Governors’ Proclamations – AZ, CT, FL, MD, MI, MN, MT, NC, NJ, NV, TN, VA, and WI.
- Year 2021 Governors’ Proclamations – CO, CT, GA, MA, MI, NC, NV, PR, TN, VA, WA, and WI.
- Year 2020 Governors’ Proclamations – CO, CT, MD, WA, and WI.
Each County or City will have their own process for requesting an Executive or Mayoral Proclamation. Searching for “Request a Proclamation in [your city or County name]” in your preferred internet browser will lead you to your governmental form. Collaborate among your local traffic incident response leaders to jointly submit the Proclamation request.
In completing the form most governmental organizations limit the “whereas” statements to five or fewer. Download 2023 local proclamations for reference. Below is an example of the City of Missoula, MT CRSW Proclamation.
Changeable Message Sign (CMS)
State and city departments of transportation can use changeable message signs (CMS), also referred to as dynamic message signs (DMS), as well as portable changeable message signs to inform road users of their responsibility to slow down and move over for responders.
Agencies typically display messages throughout the week or on the specific day of week that focuses on slow down, move over messaging. View the CMS message sets and delivery strategy among six State DOTs during year 2021. To learn more about how different agencies use CMS during CRSW view the following webinar and webinar summary:
- August 9, 2023 – This ASW covers how Nevada, Virginia, and Wisconsin plan for the use of their State’s changeable message signs (CMS), and consideration related to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices | View Webinar
- September 8, 2021 – Dynamic Message Signs | View Summary
Press Release
State, regional, and local agencies typically issue a press release to commemorate CRSW. The communications or public information office within an organization typically issues the press release template. The CRSW Toolkit offers a customizable press release template. Following are examples of press releases by various organization to commemorate CRSW:
Sample of Federal Agencies and Association Press Release:
- US DOT’s FHWA and NHTSA Kick Off Crash Responder Safety Week (2021)
- U.S. Department of Transportation Emphasizes Safety for Emergency Responders on Nation’s Roads as part of Crash Responder Safety Week (2022)
- TRAA Reminder: National Crash Responder Safety Week November 14-18 (2022)
Sample of State Agency Press Releases:
- Governor Declares Crash Responder Safety Week as Part Of Effort To Protect First Responders, Maryland DOT (2022)
- Crash Responder Safety Week Press Event, Utah Department of Public Safety (2021)
- NJDOT promotes National Crash Responder Safety Week (2022)
- FDOT and FL511 Support Crash Responder Safety Week (2022)
Sample of Local Agency Press Releases:
- City of Kirkland, Washington Press Release (2022)
- Duluth Fire promotes Crash Responder Safety Week, Deluth, Minnesota (2021)
Mass Training Event
TIM Committees, coalitions, and teams can plan and conduct a mass training event during Crash Responder Safety Week. Mass training typically involves the in-person on on-line delivery of the 4-hour National TIM Responder training course at either multiple venues or multiple times throughout this week. To learn more about how agencies plan mass training events view the following All-State Planning webinar recording and summary.
- July 12, 2023 – This ASW covers how Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey plan for activities such as mass media outreach, mass training, rest area messaging and other CRSW efforts | View Webinar
- August 11, 2021 – Mass Responder Training | View Summary
To request support in planning your State or region’s mass training activity, reach out to the FHWA TIM Program Team (Jim Austrich, Paul Jodoin, or Joe Tebo).
Departments of Motor Vehicle, Highway Visitor Plaza, or Rest Stop Outreach
State Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV) typically have television or large message boards that can used to share Crash Responder Safety Week message. Likewise, highway visitor plazas or rest stops have spaces that can be used to communicate key CRSW messaging directly to the public.
Some agencies elevate the outreach to include more immersive environments that may include responder cutouts or a crash vehicle. To learn more about how DMV, visitor plazas or rest stops can communicate CRSW messages to the public view the following webinars:
- July 12, 2023 – This ASW covers how Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey plan for activities such as mass media outreach, mass training, rest area messaging and other CRSW efforts | View Webinar
Demonstration Events
TIM Committees, Coalition, or Teams can collaborate to create a demonstration during Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) to engage mass media television and print entities as well as to practice safe quick clearance with in-person equipment and staging of a crash and potentially a secondary crash. To learn more about how to prepare for and execute a CRSW Demonstration Event view the following webinar or reach out to a member of the FWHA TIM Program Team (Jim Austrich, Paul Jodoin, or Joe Tebo).
- July 12, 2023 – This ASW covers how Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey plan for activities such as mass media outreach, mass training, rest area messaging and other CRSW efforts | View Webinar
- September 13, 2023 – This ASW covers Maryland’s social media, television news, mass demonstration, and CMS event planning | View Webinar
- July 13, 2022 – This ASW covers how to leverage mass media outreach channels such as television, radio, talk shows, print news and other creative strategies | View Webinar
CRSW Themed Video Messages
Consider using or using as inspiration the following CRSW themed video messages through social media or within your organization to promote key messages related to Crash Responder Safety Week:
- A Message from Wisconsin’s Emergency Responders – 1-minute YouTube video with law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical personnel, towing/recovery drivers, and highway maintenance workers requesting the public’s help to keep responders safe.
- Move Over Law (Wisconsin DOT) – 8-minute YouTube video highlights the State’s Responder Safety law and offers three testimonials –from police, transportation, and towing representatives.
- Move Over Law Trooper (New Jersey Governments) – 30-second YouTube video requests drivers to slow down and move over, citing the law and the life-ending impact on a police officer.
- Towing Move Over Law (Hampshire Towing) – 2-minute YouTube video features towing first person requests to slow down and move over.
- Safety Service Patrol Close Call (Tennessee DOT) – 2-minute YouTube video from Tennessee Safety Service Patrol operator, David Leake, shares his near-miss story and asks motorists.
- Slow Down Move Over ( – 30-second downloadable video features EMS, fire, law enforcement, transportation, and towing responders asking motorists to slow down and move over with the message “we’ve got your back, do you have ours?”
- It’s No Picnic Out Here ( – 30-second downloadable video features EMS, Fire and Rescue, and Police personnel asking motorists to slow down.
- Family of tow truck driver killed in crash urges drivers to be safer on the road – 1-minute message to drivers from the family of a tow truck driver who lost his life while responding to an incident.
- First Person Requests for the public to slow down and move over from injured responders:
- San Marcos Police Officer believes she was seconds away from losing her life after crash
- San Antonio police officer clung to side of overpass to save his life during a crash
- Harris County involved in 12 roadside crashes in career
- Dashcam video shows moment a car crashed into NTTA roadside safety specialist
News Coverage Leveraging Ride Along and Facility Tours
Reach out to local television and news channels to promote Crash Responder Safety Week. Invite media to ride along with your safety service patrol, or other response vehicle. Invite media for a tour of your traffic operations center or demonstration event. Following are sample news stories that cover Crash Responder Safety Week:
- Firefighters promote Crash Responder Safety Week, ABC13 WBKO News, November 4, 2022.
- Incident management hit on side of I-15 during Crash Responder Safety Week, KSL TV-5, November 16, 2022.
- Shocking – 70 percent of drivers don’t know to ‘move over’ | FOX 2 ( – Local news article highlights Move Over law and the consequences of its disregard by motorists.
- Video: Move Over. It's The Law - WCBI TV | Your News Leader – Local news article cites the Mississippi expansion of the Move Over law to include utility and construction workers.