TWG 4: Deployment Guidance

Chair: Faisal Saleem, Maricopa County Department of Transportation,

Co-Chair: Navin Katta, Savari Inc.,

This TWG is focused on assessing the stakeholder impact of the USDOT Deployment Guidance, and providing input. This TWG will provide review and input to the USDOT Deployment Guidance as a stakeholder group, and will identify gaps and provide recommendations for additional products needed for the V2I deployment community.

TWG 4 Roster








Faisal Saleem (Chair)*

Maricopa Co., AZ


Koorosh Olyai



Navin Katta (Co-Chair)*

Savari, Inc.


Rod Schebesch



Gary Piotrowicz*



Steve Lockwood



Emil Wolanin*

Montgomery Co., MD


Darryl Dawson

ITS Engineering Ltd.


Virginia Lingham*

MTC (Bay Area)


Robert Taylor

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission


Bob Arnold



Purser Sturgeon

Southwest Research Institute


Jonathan Walker



George Webb*

Palm Beach Co., FL


Bob Sheehan



Robert Rausch*



Bob Rupert



Bob Koeberlein*

Idaho DOT


Karen Timpone



Clifford D. Heise*



Mac Lister



Scott Marler*

Iowa DOT


Mike Pina



Patrick Chan



Stephanie Fischer



Ed Alegre



Suzanne Sloan

Volpe Center


Alan Clelland



Shel Leader

Private Consultant-Telecom


Elizabeth Birriel*

Florida DOT


Naveen Lamba

CH2M Hill


Michael Baril

STV Incorporated


Sean Peirce

Volpe Center-USDOT


Debby Bezzina



Martha Morecock Eddy

Timmons Group


Madhav Chitturi

University of Wisconsin


Mohammed Hadi

Florida International University


Brian Burkhard



Daniel Lai

Transpo Group


Shaun Quayle

Kittleson & Associates


Jeff Adler



Jim Frazer

Gridadaptive Technologies


Jonathan Moore



Barry Pekilis

Transport Canada 

23 Scott Shogan PB 48 Dean Erickson

Triunity Eng. & Mgmt.

24 Chris Stanley Iteris 49 Matt Volz HDR
25 Jim Katsafanas      Michael Baker 50 Samian Kaur InterDigital

* Denotes core member appointed by Project Team            

V2I Issues of Interest to TWG 4

The TWG 4 Work Plan for July 2015 – June 2016 includes activities to contribute to four issues surrounding V2I Deployments.  The issues TWG 4 will contribute to are as follows:

  • Issue 1: V2X Applications

  • Issue 6: V2I Outreach

  • Issue 7: Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment and Operation

  • Issue 9: Understanding V2I Liability Assignment

  • Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging

  • Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles

  • Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement

TWG 4 June 2015 – June 2016 Work Plan Summary

TWG 4 members approved a Work Plan for the Technical Working Group as part of their monthly meetings. This Work Plan has been updated as additional information has become available describing the activities of other TWGs. The table below provides a synthesis of the activities planned to contribute to resolving each of the four issues identified above:

V2I Deployment Issues

Anticipated TWG 4 Actions

Anticipated Completion Date

Issue 1: V2X Applications

  • Identify relevant content from this issue that should be included in the overall outreach in Issue 6 based on TWG 3 findings.


Issue 2: Complementary Communications to DSRC

No action planned


Issue 3: V2I Data

No action planned


Issue 4: Patents-Intellectual Property

No action planned


Issue 5: Security

No action planned


Issue 6: V2I Outreach


  • Provide input to USDOT on V14 of Deployment Guidance.


  • Identify outreach that may be needed to increase awareness and support of V2I among transportation agencies.

Q3-2015 and


  • Provide input to USDOT on additional content for next version of Deployment Guidance.


Issue 7: Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment


  • Identify relevant content related to calculating the benefits and costs of V2I applications based on work by TWG 1 that should be included in overall outreach in Issue 6.


Issue 8: V2I Standards

No action planned


Issue 9: Understanding V2I Liability Assignment

  • Identify relevant content related to V2I liability assignment that should be included in overall outreach in Issue 6 based on TWG 2 findings.


Issue 10: V2I Synergies with Other Emerging Technologies

No action planned


Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging

  • Develop a description of the type of content and guidelines that are needed to be developed to enable consistent, accurate consumer messaging related to V2I applications.


Issue 12: V2I Multimodal Applications

No action planned


Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles

  • Identify relevant content related to infrastructure processes based on work completed by TWG 1 and TWG 3 that should be included in overall outreach in Issue 6.


Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement

  • Identify relevant content related to a Federal V2I policy statement based on work done by TWG 1 that should be included in feedback on the V2I Guidance documents.


Issue 15: Maintaining V2I Infrastructure

No action planned


Table 1 – Summary of TWG 4 Approaches to the V2I Issues

TWG 4 Chronology of Monthly Meetings & Syntheses of Results

TWG members have chosen to meet monthly by webinar.  The following synthesis provides high level summaries of the webinars, and dates of future webinars that have not yet occurred.

July 8, 2015 Webinar Summary:

The July webinar was the first webinar of TWG 4, and the first meeting since the in-person meeting in Pittsburgh.  A brief recap was presented of the TWG comments submitted to USDOT regarding the V2I Deployment Guidance document. USDOT was able to address some but not all comments based on the late review in relation to the publication process. Those comments that were not directly addressed in this version will be further discussed by the TWG when the next version of the V2I Deployment Guidance is issued. The TWG also reviewed a summary of the V2I deployment issues presented to the coalition, plus three additional issues identified by TWG 1 during the June 4-5 workshop. The table presented the level of interest in each issue as it was expressed by each of the TWGs during the workshop. The group reviewed and confirmed the level of interest listed for TWG 4. A draft work plan based on the group’s interest in each issues was also presented and discussed.

August 12, 2015 Webinar Summary:

During this webinar, a recap of the July meeting was provided and actions were reviewed. Discussion continued regarding Issue 6: V2I Outreach, specifically with regard to outreach that may be needed to increase awareness and support of V2I among transportation agencies. Two rounds of input are planned for TWG 4 – one now and another in Q2-2016. The approach for their discussion included:

  1. Clarify outreach needs

  2. Review materials available or being developed

  3. Identify gaps and describe what additional outreach may be needed

September 9, 2015 Webinar Summary:

This webinar began with a recap of the August meeting and review of actions. A draft summary of TWG 4 discussion regarding Issue 6: V2I Outreach was circulated prior to the meeting and comments were requested back from the group. Discussion began regarding Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging.  TWG 4 noted in its work plan that it will describe the type of content and guidelines needed for consistent, accurate consumer messaging related to V2I applications. The approach to the discussion included a review of what’s currently available from government, academia and private industry, and then a discussion about messages being conveyed. The discussion about messaging focused on those that are:

  • Common: Used by all or most

  • Supportive: Clear, factual

  • Questionable: Confusing, potentially misleading

USDOT also noted during this meeting that the next version of the V2I Deployment Guidance will be delayed and a new publication date is not yet available.

October 14, 2015 Webinar Summary:

Discussion topics and actions from the September meeting were reviewed at the beginning of this meeting. The V2I DC Executive Committee meeting was also summarized for the group, noting that the coalition will focus in the near-term on applications related to:

  • Intersections (signalized and non-signalized)

  • End of queue warnings

  • Work zone management

  • Curve warning systems

USDOT presented an overview of the outreach and training activities underway and planned for the coming year. For future collaboration, TWG 4 will share with USDOT the summaries of its discussions about Issue 6: V2I Outreach and Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging. USDOT will continue participating in the TWG 4 monthly meetings and will also share their draft outreach plan with TWG 4 for review and comment. There was additional discussion regarding Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging, specifically in relation to messaging about the Chrysler Jeep hack that occurred over the summer.

November 18, 2015 Webinar Summary:

A brief recap of the October meeting and actions was provided. Information was shared about outreach activities and support information from the Connected Vehicle Pooled Fund and the CVRIA. TWG 4 comments regarding the draft summary of Issue 11: V2I Consumer Messaging were discussed. Edits to the summaries for both Issue 11 and Issue 6 will be made and reviewed as appropriate within the coalition before forwarding to USDOT.

January 20, 2016 Webinar Summary:
During the January meeting, the group began discussing Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement. Initial topics of interest for this policy statement were recapped from a brainstorming session that was held between the TWG 1 and TWG 4 core members on 1/19 and from discussion among TWG 4 during the 1/20 meeting. USDOT also shared additional information about the vision and policy statements that will be included in the V2I Deployment Guidance when it is released. It was noted that the discussion in Issue 14 would continue at upcoming meetings. It was also noted that the summaries of Issue 6 and Issue 11 would be circulated to the other TWG chairs and co-chairs for review and comment.

February 10, 2016 Webinar Summary:
The February meeting included an update on the status of Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement. Since the January meeting a briefing for the issue had been prepared and circulated to the other TWGs. The briefing introduces the nature of the issue, an initial, high-level list of policy topics of interest, and a process for moving forward with addressing the issue. The meeting also included an update on USDOT’s development of a V2I outreach plan. The plan outline was presented and discussed. The plan content is being developed and focus groups are tentatively planned to take place during the V2I DC workshop in April.

March 9, 2016 Webinar Summary:
During the March meeting, TWG 4 discussed the status of their current work plan through June 2016 and potential topics for the April meeting agenda. The core of the meeting focused on a review of the owner/operator survey conducted by TWG 1 in regard to Issue 1: V2X Applications and Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles. The information was reviewed by the group and details were noted for further review when the V2I Deployment Guidance is issued.      

April 20, 2016 Meeting Summary (V2I DC Workshop):
In April, TWG 4 met in-person during a full V2I DC meeting in Detroit, MI. The group began their meeting with an extensive discussion about the V2I Deployment Guidance and a series of products that will be released with the Guidance. USDOT provided an overview of two of the products – Connected Vehicles and the Planning Process, and Near Term Transition and Planning. TWG 4 provided feedback to USDOT based on the overview. TWG 4 also agreed to continue reviewing the other Guidance products over the next several months as the group awaits release of the full V2I Deployment Guidance for further review.

USDOT also reviewed a preliminary version of a future product that will be further developed – pre-deployment guidance for connected vehicle applications. TWG 4 was asked to review the preliminary information and provide feedback to USDOT on similar content for the four priority V2I applications identified by the V2I DC. TWG 2 joined TWG 4 to review information gathered by TWG 1 and TWG 3 regarding Issue 7: Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment. Related to Issue 6: V2I Outreach, the two groups also participated in a focus group discussion related to USDOT’s V2I deployment outreach effort. The meeting concluded with a review of remaining work and discussion of potential future work for TWG 4 after June 2016.

May 18, 2016 Webinar 

The primary discussion topic for the meeting was draft pre-deployment guidance for the V2I applications that have been identified as priority by the V2I DC: 

  • Work zone management (RSZW)
  • Curve warning
  • Queue warning
  • Intersections (RLVW)

The group reviewed the history and approach used by the ENTERPRISE pooled fund to develop draft pre-deployment guidance for RSZW and curve warning. The group then reviewed and discussed details

for the two applications. The other two applications – queue warning and intersections (RLVW) – will be discussed during the next meeting. The meeting also included information regarding recent activities associated with DSRC. It was explained that the NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association – recently requested sharing of the 5.9 GHz spectrum and intervention from the White House with the FCC.

June 8, 2016 Webinar 

Discussions regarding the draft pre-deployment guidance for the V2I applications continued this month with reviewing details for queue warning and intersections (RLVW). Work zone management (RSZW) and curve warning were discussed during the May meeting. A summary of the discussions regarding these four applications will be provided in the final V2I DC technical memorandum to USDOT. It was also noted that the FCC had issued a public notice to update and refresh the record of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5.9 GHz band. The notice was available for comment through July 7 and reply comments through July 22.

July 13, 2016 

An overview of the V2I message lexicon was presented during the July meeting. The V2I message lexicon will explain the concepts and definitions for V2I communication messages. The lexicon identifies the contents of a V2I message, how the message is constructed, how the message relates to applications, and how the message relates to deployments. The V2I message lexicon will also show the relationships among the CVRIA, the National ITS Architecture, the various standards needed to define the V2I message, and the organizational entities that provide content or services to the V2I messages. Also presented during the meeting was an overview of the draft V2I outreach plan developed for USDOT by Iteris and Global 5 Communications, and TWG 4 was asked to email any additional comments on the outreach plan to Karen Timpone. Other V2I DC items of interest were noted, including USDOT’s recent release of several new Connected Vehicle documents and the recent STSMO-SCOHT-RTSMO annual meeting. It was added that TWG 1 is hosting a webinar with UMTRI and NYC on September 13 regarding V2I infrastructure maintenance, and USDOT will be hosting a series of CV pilot webinars on August 19 and 22.

August 10, 2016 

During this meeting, an overview was presented of the study and related products to incorporate Connected and Autonomous Vehicles into transportation planning. The study aims to help facilitate the consideration of C/AV in transportation planning processes and products by States, MPOs and local agencies by reviewing:

  • Impacts on products and processes
  • Impacts on roles and responsibilities
  • Impacts on tools, techniques and data
  • Impact on organizational skills and expertise

The study approach, general considerations and specific impacts identified for each area were shared with the group. The products completed to date for this study are available online at it was also noted that additional case studies will be available in September and the primer and desk reference in October.