TWG 1: Deployment Initiatives

Chair: Bill Legg, Washington State Department of Transportation,

Co-Chair: Joe Averkamp, Xerox,

This TWG will share information and discuss current and previous V2I implementation initiatives (e.g. activities of the Connected Vehicle Pooled Fund, the Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Program, the Michigan Connected Vehicle test bed, and other locations where initiatives are underway or were recently completed). A peer to peer exchange will be established for those selected as Pilot Deployment Sites to share experiences with each other and all others interested. The TWG will discuss needs for future initiatives to address stated issues, especially any ‘gaps’ or issues not addressed by current or previous deployment initiatives.

TWG1 History

Since TWG 1 formed in June, the working group members have collaborated together to create a Work Plan describing the activities to be completed during the initial 12 months of the TWG.  Once the Work Plan was created, the initial activity was to create an on-line survey of public sector transportation agencies to understand the V2I applications that they have determined are most critical to them.  This survey was circulated in October. 

The other major activity has been researching and facilitating a series of webinars to share current or past research efforts related to Benefits and Costs of Connected Vehicles.  Two webinars were completed in November and December to share details of these activities.

TWG 1 Current Status

During the Spring of 2016, TWG 1 members have been active concluding efforts described in the initial work plan.  TWG 1 members met in person on April 20, 2016 and are preparing final issue specific summaries for the issues they have addressed since June, 2015.

July 13, 2015 Webinar Summary:

The July webinar was the first webinar of TWG 1, and the first meeting since the in-person meeting in Pittsburgh.  A summary of the Pittsburgh breakout session was reviewed, as was the preliminary Work Plan for TWG 1.  The group discussed specific actions related to the Work Plan.  The primary work topic of the July webinar was to begin discussing the planned survey to be conducted of public DOTs to understand their selected V2I applications that were included in proposals for V2I deployment.  After a brainstorming session, it was agreed that a first draft of the survey would be circulated and discussed during the August webinar.

August 27, 2015 Webinar Summary:

TWG 1 held a webinar on August 27th, 2015.  It was agreed that TWG 1 would meet on the 4th Thursday of each month.  During this webinar, the TWG 1 Work Plan was reviewed and changes highlighted.  The primary focus of the August webinar was to review the draft survey of public DOTs about the highest priority V2I Applications.  The survey is being conducted to address Issue #1: V2X Applications.  An additional agenda item discussed was that the next technical topic to be addressed by TWG 1 (after the survey is completed) will be the efforts to address Issue #7 Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Applications.

September 24, 2015 Webinar Summary:

During the September 24, 2015 webinar, Bill Legg (Chair of TWG 1) presented a summary of the V2I DC Executive Committee meeting held on September 10, 2015.  The Executive Committee has established the V2I DC initial focus areas for V2I applications to be: Intersections, Queue Warning Systems, Work Zone Management, and Curve Warnings.  Each TWG will adjust their Work Plan to reflect these focus areas.  The primary discussion topic of the September webinar was on finalizing the survey of public DOTs.  Members of TWG 1 contributed final edits to the questions and helped in identifying the 45 recipients to receive the survey. 

October 22, 2015 Webinar Summary:

 During the October 22, 2015 webinar, Bill Legg informed TWG 1 members that the survey of public DOTs was released on October 19, 2015.  This was a major effort of TWG 1, and everyone is anxiously waiting to see the results of the survey.  Another discussion during the October webinar was an update to members that Bill Legg had been participating in calls with the Chairs of the other TWGs.  Collectively, the TWG Chairs have discussed how each TWG will coordinate and collaborate together. As a result, a series of fishbone diagrams have been created to illustrate the role each TWG will play in addressing the four issues that have the largest numbers of TWGs involved.  

November 16, 2015 Webinar Summary:

The November webinar of TWG 1 was a topic specific webinar related to Benefit / Cost research in the area of V2I Applications.  As noted in the table above, the role of TWG 1 to address Issue #7 was decided to be a facilitator to enable existing Benefit/Cost related projects to present their project intent and progress to date.  TWG 2 (Research) will then use the information presented in the webinar as they begin to identify needs for additional Benefit/Cost research.  Also, TWG 3 will use the information provided as they define benefits for selected V2I Applications specific to the four focus areas.  The November webinar consisted of a presentation by Chris Williges from HDR Inc. on the project titled: Desk Reference and Tools for Estimating the Local, Regional and State-wide Economic Development Benefits of Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployments.  The webinar was recorded.  Click here to view the webinar and presentation in their entirety.

December 4, 2015 Webinar Summary:

The December webinar of TWG 1 was a topic specific webinar related to Benefit / Cost research in the area of V2I Applications.  As noted in the table above, the role of TWG 1 to address Issue #7 was decided to be a facilitator to enable existing Benefit/Cost related projects to present their project intent and progress to date.  TWG 2 (Research) will then use the information presented in the webinar as they begin to identify needs for additional Benefit/Cost research.  Also, TWG 3 will use the information provided as they define benefits for selected V2I Applications specific to the four focus areas.  The December webinar consisted of a presentation by Keith Knappe (AASHTO) and Dominie Garcia (Booz Allen Hamilton) on the project titled: AASHTO Near TermV2I Transition and Phasing Analysis Connected Vehicle Life Cycle Cost Model (LCCM).  The webinar was recorded.  Click here to view the webinar and presentation in their entirety.

Summary of the November and December webinars.

January 28th Webinar Summary:

During the January 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg reviewed the Benefit / Cost webinars that were conducted during the previous months. Bill then updated members on progress that TWG 1 has made in collaboration with TWG 4 on addressing Issue #14 Federal V2I Policy Statement. The primary topic of the January webinar was the results of the V2I Applications Survey. Dean Deeter presented the results of the survey, and members discussed reactions to the survey results. The slides presenting the survey results are included in the overall PowerPoint presentation shared during the meeting, and is available here.

The January webinar summary is available here.

February 25, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the February 25, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg recapped the results of the V2I Applications survey shared in January and the group discussed additional actions to be taken on the survey.  The group also discussed Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles, and Issue #14: Federal V2I Policy Statement. 

The February webinar summary is available here.

March 24, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the March 24, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, the group discussed final actions on Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles.  The group also began discussions related to Issue 15: Infrastructure Maintenance Costs, and planned the agenda for the April in-person meeting.

The March webinar summary is available here.

Dates of future TWG 1 webinars, beyond March, are included below:

April 28, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the April 28, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg recapped the V2I Deployment Coalition in-person meeting that occurred in Detroit the week of April 18th.  Bill also discussed the remaining action items for TWG 1 to be completed by June 30, 2016.  Also, Bill introduced the concept to encourage the deployment of DSRC infrastructure with Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) broadcast. 

The April webinar summary is available here.

May 26, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the May 26, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg recapped the remaining issue TWG 1 will address (Maintenance Costs of V2I systems).  Bill also updated members on progress to advance the SPaT Challenge.    

The May webinar summary is available here.

For information about joining the webinar, email Dean Deeter at:

June 23, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the June 23, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, the group discussed the V2I Deployment Coalition presentation at ITS America.  Bill recapped plans for the webinar TWG 1 will host on V2I Maintenance Costs, and Dean Deeter recapped the deliverables TWG 1 has accomplished during Phase 1 of the V2I DC.  The SPaT Challenge was also discussed as it continues to gain momentum.

The June webinar summary is available here.

For information about joining the webinar, email Dean Deeter at:

July 28, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the July 28, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg discussed the resources being developed by the SPaT Resource Team (subgroup to TWG 1).  Members of TWG 1 provided input and feedback to the SPaT Challenge one-pager.  Finally, the September 13, 2016 webinar on Maintenance Costs was introduced to the group.

The July webinar summary is available here.

August 25, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the August 25, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg recapped the progress of the SPaT Challenge Resources Team developing resources for the SPaT Challenge.  Members provided input on the progress of the SPaT Challenge resources.  Bill Legg also recapped the September webinar on Maintenance Costs of V2I systems.    

The August webinar summary is available here.

September 29, 2016 Webinar Summary:

During the September 29, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg provided a recap of the September 13th TWG 1 sponsored webinar on maintaining V2I infrastructure.  Members received an update on the September 15th SPaT Challenge webinar, and had a discussion on SPaT Challenge resources.  The TWG members provided input to the SPaT Challenge resources. 

The September webinar summary is available here.

October 27, 2016 Webinar:

During the October 27, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg updated members on the recent meeting with the OEMs.  Pat Zelinski (AASHTO) provided an update on the AASHTO SPaT Challenge Resolution process.  Trinell Ball (Toyota) presented a spreadsheet of DSRC deployments and requests TWG 1 to help maintain the spreadsheet.  The members contributed input to the SPaT Challenge resources. 

The October webinar summary is available here.

December 1, 2016 Webinar:

During the December 1, 2016 webinar of TWG 1, Bill Legg updated members on the successful passing of the AASHTO SPaT Challenge Resolution.  Bill described the upcoming V2I DC Executive Committee meeting.  Dean Deeter updated members on progress to develop the SPaT Challenge resources, and stepped through a detailed review of the SPaT Challenge Implementation Guidance.  Finally, members described their current plans for considering the SPaT Challenge and how their agency is responding. 

The December webinar summary is available here.

February 2, 2017 Webinar:

The January 2016 TWG 1 webinar was postponed until February 2, 2017.  During the February 2, 2017 webinar of TWG 1, Greg Larson (Caltrans) was introduced as the new Chair of TWG 1, replacing Bill Legg.  Greg led a discussion about future topics to be addressed by TWG 1.  Dean Deeter updated members on the SPaT Challenge, and Trinell Ball (Toyota) discussed the current status of the spreadsheet of active DSRC deployments.    

The February webinar summary is available here.

TWG 1 Future Plans

In the coming months, TWG 1 members will transition from the initial phase of the V2I DC into Phase 2.  The Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) challenge is expected to be a major activity for TWG 1.  Also, TWG 1 members will be working on an overall one to two year work plan during the summer of 2016.

TWG 1 Resources

This section presents resources (deliverables, findings, and other material) that was either produced by TWG 1 or that TWG 1 members were involved in.

TWG 1 Work Plan for June 2015-June 2016

V2I Benefit Cost Webinar Summary

V2I Applications Survey – Summary of Results To be Available early 2016

V2I Issues of Interest to TWG 1:

The TWG 1 Work Plan for June 2015 – June 2016 includes activities to contribute to four issues surrounding V2I Deployments.  The issues TWG 1 will contribute to are as follows:

  • Issue 1: V2X Applications

  • Issue 7: Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment and Operation

  • Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles

  • Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement.

  • Issue 15: Maintaining V2I Infrastructure

TWG 1 June 2015 – June 2016 Work Plan Summary

TWG 1 members approved a Work Plan for the Technical Working Group as part of their monthly meetings.  This Work Plan has been updated as additional information has become available describing the activities of other TWGs.  The table below provides a synthesis of the activities planned to contribute to resolving each of the four issues identified above:

V2I Deployment Issues
(Note: issues are not prioritized)
Anticipated TWG 1 Actions Anticipated Completion Date
Issue 1: V2X Applications

Gather input from pilot deployment initiatives on the most critical V2I applications to infrastructure owners and operators.

Issue 7: Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment and Operation

Facilitate presentations of existing or completed Connected Vehicle B/C studies through webinars, and invite other TWGs to participate in webinars.  Facilitate a discussion about additional needs for B/C research.

Issue 13: Infrastructure Processes as V2I Obstacles

Learn about the actual challenges that V2I deployments have encountered from things such as environmental reviews and MUTCD requirements.  Present this information to TWG 3 (and other V2I DC members) for further consideration.

Issue 14: Federal V2I Policy Statement

Poll members of the V2I DC to understand their need for stronger guidance from a federal agency.  Share results with TWG 4 as feedback on USDOT Guidance document. 

Issue 15: Maintaining V2I Infrastructure

Develop a detailed set of maintenance cost information that would be beneficial if each V2I pilot deployment site were to track, in order that a reference model of the true costs of maintaining some V2I infrastructure can be established.  Work with USDOT to share this information with pilot deployment sites, if appropriate.


Table 1 – Summary of TWG #1 Approaches to the V2I Issues

TWG 1 Roster:

# Name Organization   Name Organization
1 Greg Larson (Chair) Caltrans 40 Ed Alegre LA Metro
2 Thomas Huie 3M 41 Reinland Jones LA Metro
3 John Conrad AASHTO 42 John Abraham Macomb Co. DOR
4 Daniel Worke AECOM 43 Faisal Saleem Maricopa County
5 Ken Yang AECOM 44 Linda Lee MTC
6 Bob Murphy AECOM 45 Kelly McVeigh NJ DOT
7 Saravana Suthanthira Alameda County 46 Wasif Mirza NJ DOT
8 Reza Karimvand Arizona DOT 47 Frank Prezioso NJDOT
9 Dean Deeter (Liaison) Athey Creek Consultants 48 Jeevanjot Singh NJDOT
10 Brian Watson ATSSA 49 Jeffrey Rockower NJDOT
11 Roger Wentz ATSSA 50 Jonathan Martinez NJDOT   added:
12 Brent Cain AZDOT 51 Leland Key NXP
13 Dominie Garcia BAH 52 Steve Galgano NYC
14 Denise Manzelmann BAH 53 Mohammad Talas NYCDOT
15 Chris Stanley Battelle 54 Jan-Mou Li ORNL
16 Markus Bauer BMW 55 Mark Kopko PennDOT
17 Stan Caldwell Carnegie Mellon University 56 Mike Schagrin Schagrin Consulting
18 Jack Hall CCTA 57 Dave Miller Siemens
19 Randy Iwasaki CCTA 58 Gary Strack SKW Inc.
20 Alvin Stamp CDOT 59 Kyle Garrett Synesis Partners
21 Austin Gilbert CDOT 60 Kevin Comstock TNDOT
22 Tamara Hunter-Maurer CDOT 61 Hideki Hada Toyota
23 Barry Einsig Cisco 62 Jeff Spinazze
24 Kyle Connor Cisco 63 Dean Erickson Triunity
25 Jim Peters DKS & Associates 64 Debra Bezzina UMTRI
26 Jeffrey Holabaugh Dye Management 65 John Maddox UMTRI – University of Michigan
27 Gary Duncan Econolite 66 John Riehl Univ. of Wisconsin
28 Jim Frazer Gridaptive Technologies 67 Mohammed Hadi University of Florida
29 Joey Yang HDR Inc. 68 Carrie Morton University of Michigan
30 Jennifer Carter HERE 69 Jerome Lynch University of Michigan
31 Weimin Huang HERE 70 Brian Cronin USDOT
32 Ben Walker HNTB 71 Deb Curtis USDOT
33 Sue Bai Honda 72 Jon Obenberger USDOT
34 Oubada Abuchaar Hyundai Kia America Technical Center 73 Leisa Moniz USDOT
35 Frank Fickel IAV Automotive 74 Bob Arnold USDOT
36 Samian Kaur InterDigital 75 Bob Rupert USDOT
37 John Lower Iteris Inc. 76 Blaine Leonard Utah DOT
38 Oliver Brandl Kapsch 77 Ray Resendes VTTI
39 Dennis Motiani KHA 78 Joe Averkamp Xerox

TWG members have chosen to meet monthly by webinar. TWG 1 Chronology of Monthly Meetings & Syntheses of Results