Vehicle to Infrastructure Deployment Coalition


The Vehicle to Infrastructure Deployment Coalition (V2I DC) began as a concept to create a single point of reference for stakeholders to meet and discuss V2I deployment related issues. To accomplish this concept, U.S. DOT asked the American Association of State Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) to collaborate on organizing and managing the coalition. The V2I DC Project Team (consisting of members from AASHTO, ITE and ITS America) then created a vision, mission, and set of objectives that would guide the coalition.

In 2018, the V2I DC began Phase 2 of efforts.  Phase 2 efforts of the V2I DC consist of three TWGs that convene regularly, summarized as follows:

Strategic Initiatives TWG.  This group meets monthly to carry on technical support to the SPaT Challenge, and to continue to search for additional deployment support activities.  This TWG is chaired by Greg Larson, Caltrans.

Resources TWG.  This group will identify the need for resources, review available resources, and share best practices for the use of resources related to connected and automated vehicle technologies. This TWG is chaired by Faisal Saleem, MCDOT.

Peer Exchange and Outreach The focus of this group is on overall peer exchange and outreach of V2I activities.  The topic areas of research and standards will both be covered in this group, as well as a variety of other topics.  This TWG is expected to serve as a coalition-wide TWG.  This TWG is chaired by Ed Seymour, TTI.

Participation in any of the working groups identified above is open to anyone.  To express interest in joining any of the working groups, or if you would like to remove yourself from a working group, click here.


V2I Deployment Coalition Final Report for Phase 1

A final report of the activities completed by the V2I Deployment Coalition during Phase 1 is available. The report presents an update on activities since Technical Memorandum 3 was prepared, describes the overall outcomes of the V2I DC, and describes detailed progress on each of the V2I deployment issues as issue specific summaries. Finally, the document describes a likely Phase 2 scenario for the V2I DC. All of the reports prepared for USDOT throughout Phase 1 are available under Work.

V2I Deployment Coalition Final Phase 1 Webinar

The V2I DC held a webinar on February 13, 2017 to recap milestones achieved and key outcomes from Phase 1.  Shailen Bhatt, Chair of the V2I DC Executive Committee, expressed his appreciation for the support of USDOT, AASHTO, ITE and ITS America, as well as they 200+ members of the Coalition who have voluntarily and actively participated in milestones achieved during Phase 1. Technical working group chairs, Greg Larson, Matt Smith and Ed Seymour, recapped key outcomes of the V2I DC, including:

  • Engaging a unified Coalition with common messages and discussion
  • Narrowing of initial focus for V2I deployments
  • Defining research activities to support V2I deployment
  • Developing a standards context diagram and recommendations for further standards development
  • Creating the SpaT Challenge
  • Creating a forum for collaboration between infrastructure owners/operators and original equipment manufacturers

A brief overview of future Coalition work was also provided by Dean Deeter on behalf of the V2I DC Project Team. The webinar recording and presentation slides are available for further reference. 

V2I Deployment Coalition Members

What is V2I?

Connected vehicle technologies are defined by USDOT as follows:

“Connected vehicle research is a multimodal initiative that aims to enable safe, interoperable networked wireless communications among vehicles, the infrastructure, and passengers’ personal communications devices.”

The term Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) refers to a wireless exchange of data between vehicles and roadway infrastructure.  This exchange of data is typically bi-directional, allowing data from the roadside to be delivered to the vehicle, and data from the vehicle to be delivered to the roadside. 

What is the V2I Deployment Coalition?

Nationwide deployment, operations, and maintenance of V2I applications will require long-term cooperation, partnership, and interdependence between the infrastructure owners and operators (state, county, and local level transportation agencies); the automobile industry original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and aftermarket manufacturers; and a variety of other stakeholders.   For these reasons, with USDOT support, AASHTO, ITE and ITS America have established the V2I DC as a coalition for Connected Vehicle and infrastructure related deployments.

The vision of the V2I Deployment Coalition is defined as:

An integrated national infrastructure that provides the country a connected, safe and secure transportation system taking full advantage of the progress being made in the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle arenas.

The mission of the V2I Deployment Coalition is to:

To work collaboratively with the industry, state and local governments, academia and USDOT to achieve the goal of deploying and operating a functioning V2I infrastructure.

The objectives of the V2I Deployment Coalition are to:

  • Provide leadership on Connected Vehicle (CV) Program deployment efforts
  • Establish CV deployment strategies
  • Lead and provide support on continued technical research for CV
  • Support CV standards development
  • Provide input to and refinement of CV guidance

The specific Role of the V2I DC is to:

Help accelerate consistent and effective deployments of Connected Vehicle technologies that address passenger vehicles, freight, and transit operations in both urban and rural areas.

To accomplish this role, the V2I DC has established initial goals to be:

Goal #1: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies at intersections where the majority of crashes and/or congestion occur;

Goal #2: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies to support end of queue warnings in locations with high rates of rear-end collisions;

Goal #3: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies for work zone management; and

Goal #4: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies for curve warning systems.

How Does the V2I DC Operate?

The V2I DC technical work is accomplished through five TWGs, identified below:

Participation in TWGs is open to anyone.  Click on the hyperlinks above to view additional details (including contact information to be used to request participation) about each TWG.

More details about the operations of the V2I DC are included in the About page of this website.

Oversight and direction is provided to V2I DC members by the V2I DC Executive Committee.  Additional details about the Executive Committee can be found here