The V2I DC was organized in the spring of 2015, with a series of webinars that helped define the coalition. The initial in-person meeting occurred in June, 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Since June, the individual Technical Working Groups (TWGs) have met regularly to conduct technical work.
V2I DC Leadership & Focus Areas
V2I DC leadership is provided by the V2I DC Executive Committee (V2I DC EC). The V2I DC EC consists of executives and senior technical staff from a combination of public and private sector organizations that represent a wide range of V2I stakeholders. The V2I DC EC formally met for the first time in September, 2015 (click here to download the V2I DC EC September meeting summary).
During the September, V2I DC EC meeting, it was agreed by members of the Executive Committee that the role of the V2I DC is to help accelerate consistent and effective deployments of Connected Vehicle technologies that address passenger vehicles, freight, and transit operations in both urban and rural areas.
To accomplish this role, the V2I DC has established initial goals to be:
Goal #1: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies at intersections where the majority of crashes and/or congestion occur;
Goal #2: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies to support end of queue warnings in locations with high rates of rear-end collisions;
Goal #3: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies for work zone management; and
Goal #4: Help to accelerate the deployment of V2I technologies for curve warning systems.
V2I DC Structure and Management
The V2I DC Project Team, consisting of staff and support members of AASHTO, ITE, and ITS America, manage the coalition, and provide technical support to technical working groups (TWGs). The coalition technical work is accomplished through five TWGs, identified below:
Participation in TWGs is open to anyone. Click on the hyperlinks above to view additional details (including contact information to be used to request participation) about each TWG.
The structure of the V2I DC, and relationships with external organizations is illustrated below.
V2I Schedule
The V2I DC concept originated in early 2015 with an 18 month schedule for initial activities. The initial 18 month schedule will end July, 2016, however discussions and planning are underway to extend the V2I DC beyond the initial 18 months.
For information on coalition-wide meetings and the monthly TWG webinars, please visit the Calendar page of this website.
V2I Deliverables
During the initial 18 month period of the V2I DC, four Technical Memorandums will be developed to document progress of the coalition. Additional deliverables will be produced by individual TWGs. Coalition deliverables will be posted to the Work page of this website, as they are finalized and available for circulation.
Additional Information
For additional information, beyond what is contained in the pages of this website, please contact any of the V2I DC contacts.
The V2I Deployment Coalition organization chart below illustrates the coalition structure.
V2I Deployment Coalition Organization Chart