Chair: Greg Larson, California Department of Transportation,
Co-Chair: Rob Bertini, Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida,
The purpose of the Deployment Research TWG is to provide insight into what further research, analysis, and planning studies are needed to be undertaken to guide the states and others as they proceed toward implementation. V2I issues identified by the coalition that relate to topics best addressed through research may be addressed by this TWG. The Deployment Research TWG is intended to collaborate to identify and describe actions to be accomplished (either by the TWG or to be proposed for future work efforts).
TWG 2 Roster:
# |
Name |
Organization |
Name |
Organization |
1 |
Oubada Abuchaar |
Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center |
24 |
Jan-Mou Li |
2 |
Saad Bedros |
Image Sensing Systems |
25 |
Hongsheng Lu |
Toyota InfoTechnology Center |
3 |
Robert Bertini |
Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida |
26 |
Jianming Ma |
4 |
Caitlin Bettisworth |
27 |
William Mahoney |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
5 |
Darcy Bullock |
Purdue University |
28 |
Scott Marler |
Iowa DOT |
6 |
Andrew Cunningham |
Volkswagen Group |
29 |
Richard Mudge |
Compass Transportation and Technology |
7 |
Chen Danjue |
Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Lab at UW-Madison |
30 |
Bryan Nace |
8 |
Bezzina Debby |
University of Michigan, Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor Connected Vehicle Test Environment |
31 |
Hyungjun Park |
University of Virginia |
9 |
Ray Derr |
Transportation Research Board |
32 |
Zachary Rubinstein |
Carnegie Mellon University |
10 |
Erin Flanigan |
Cambridge Systematics, Inc |
33 |
Robert Sheehan |
11 |
Douglas Gettman |
Kimley-Horn |
34 |
Suzanne Sloan |
12 |
S. William Gouse |
SAE International |
35 |
Ray Starr |
Minnesota DOT |
13 |
Josh Hassol |
36 |
Dale Thompson |
14 |
Hsu-Chieh Hu |
37 |
Thomas Timcho |
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff |
15 |
Randell Iwasaki |
Contra Costa Transportation Authority |
38 |
Jonathan Walker |
16 |
Michael Jensen |
Wavetronix |
39 |
Ben Walker |
17 |
Bob Koeberlein |
Idaho DOT |
40 |
Thomas West |
California PATH/UC Berkeley |
18 |
Alan Korn |
Meritor WABCO |
41 |
William Whyte |
Security Innovation |
19 |
Melissa Lance |
42 |
Skip Yeakel |
Volvo Group North America |
20 |
Greg Larson |
Caltrans |
43 |
Stanley Young |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
21 |
Ken Leonard |
44 |
Patrick Zelinski |
22 |
Blaine Leonard |
Utah DOT |
45 |
Jim Frazier |
Gridaptive Technologies |
23 | Yang Cheng | Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Lab at UW-Madison | 46 |
Rich Cunard |
V2I Issues of Interest to TWG 2:
Out of the list of 16 issues, the TWG 2 Work Plan for June 2015 – June 2016 includes activities to contribute to seven issues surrounding V2I Deployments, which are indicated in the table below. However, TWG 2 decided to make the focus of their work plan the four issues that require collaboration with the other Technical Working Groups: Issue 1 (V2X Applications), Issue 3 (V2I Data), Issue 6 (V2I Outreach), and Issue 7 (Understanding the Benefits and Costs of V2I Deployment and Operation.

TWG 2 June 2015 – June 2016 Work Plan Summary
TWG 2 members approved a Work Plan for the Technical Working Group as part of their monthly meetings. This Work Plan has been updated as additional information has become available describing the activities of other TWGs. The fishbone diagrams below show how work from TWG2 will fit into the work being done by the other Technical Working Groups.
Issue 1 – Coordination

Issue 3 – Coordination

Issue 6 – Coordination

Issue 7 – Coordination

TWG 2 Chronology of Monthly Meetings & Syntheses of Results
TWG members have chosen to meet every other month by conference call or webinar. The following synthesis provides high level summaries of the webinars, and dates of future webinars that have not yet occurred.
August 24, 2015 Conference Call Summary
The August conference call was the first call of TWG 2 and the first meeting since the in-person meeting in Pittsburgh. A summary of the Pittsburgh breakout session was reviewed, as was the preliminary work plan for TWG 2. The group discussed specific actions related to the work plan and members of TWG 2 volunteered themselves to participate in the different actions. The National Operations Center of Excellence agreed to help the TWG 2 Chairs plan for a one-stop-shop for connected vehicle research results.
November 2, 2015 Webinar Summary
The November conference call updated members on the results of the September V2I DC Executive Committee meeting in September, updated members on how this TWG will collaborate with other TWGs on certain issues, introduced members to a portal for information sharing, and gave members some preliminary information about the November 5, 2015, webinar for all V2I DC members. During this call it was decided that TWG 2 should put their focus on the four issues that require collaboration with other activities. Members volunteered to help with these activities.
February 2016 Conference Call Meeting Minutes
V2IDC TWG 2 (Research) Upcoming Activities/Summary from April 20, 2016, Meeting in Detroit, Michigan