NOCoE is excited to publish six new resources on advancing the TSMO workforce.
With a focus on workforce strategies prioritized during the 2021 NOCoE Workforce Summit and 2022 NOCoE Workforce Peer Exchange, these resources aim to help TSMO practitioners advance the workforce in their organization by improving pipelines and training, and by expanding recruitment and retention practices.
Do you have additional workforce practices or learnings you want to share? Please let us know!
Potential Federal Funding Sources for Advancing Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce Development Activities
In this white paper you will learn:
About a wide variety of non-DOT grant programs that TSMO workforce development activities could be supported by.
How TSMO could align with the funding sources to make for a compelling grant application.
About how important it is to develop relationships with academic, research, workforce, and economic development partners to build a compelling business case to be awarded grants.
• The National Science Foundation, US Department of Labor, and US Economic Development Administration offer federal grant programs that are relevant to TSMO workforce research and program development activities.
• A key requirement for success in grant pursuits with these agencies is a strong partnership between academia and industry. Thus, conversations and planning should begin with interested partners very early to be ready for future submission opportunities.
• Additional funding opportunities are expected stemming from recent federal legislation, such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, thus agency websites should be closely monitored for new programs relevant to TSMO.
Leading Practices in Modifying Agency Organization and Management to Accomodate Changing Transportation System Technologies
This report summarizes the findings from the scan “Leading Practices in Modifying Agency Organization and Management to Accommodate Changing Transportation System Technologies.” The purpose of the scan was to investigate and exchange information about how Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are changing their organizations, institutional arrangements, and management practices to improve transportation system performance through the implementation of new technologies and/or other innovative programs, while at the same time maintaining their traditional role in capital improvement, operations, and maintenance programs.
About the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE)
NOCoE provides services to the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community to saves lives, improve travel times, and enhance economic vitality. With an emphasis on workforce development, NOCoE aims to assist in the deployment of technologies and the mainstreaming of TSMO solutions by fostering education, networking, communication, and knowledge transfer.