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Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Workforce Pipeline - Expanding Opportunities


  • Filling Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) professional and para-professional position will continue to challenge state DOTs and other transportation agencies.

  • Building on a previous Technical Memorandum by NOCoE related to establishing a pipeline of workers from the military, this white paper takes the initial step in describing additional, future workforce pipelines for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HSBCs, technical colleges, jobs corps, retiring emergency responders, and non-traditional workers.

  • Technical staff need to work closely with human resources staff to shift recruiting and hiring methods and practices to realize the benefits associated with potential pipeline communities.


1. About existing programs that could be leveraged to bring different sources of workers to support TSMO activities.

2. About a range of potential opportunities to establish workforce pipelines beyond traditional sources.

3. About ideas for tapping into non-traditional workers.

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Case Studies & Lessons Learned

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