CAT Resources

Disclaimer: These resources are disseminated by the Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) Coalition through joint sponsorship by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. These organizations assume no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. These organizations do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.




Connected Intersections - Consistent Procedures for Operations (CPO)

This document was developed by the IOO/OEM Forum and describes a series of agreed principles for maintaining operations at Connected Intersections, including consideration of IOO responses during possible disruptions.

Note that this resource is posted as a dated draft document, with the intent and anticipation that the document will evolve and improve as additional input is received. Future updates will be posted on this website.
Summary of Connected Work Zone Needs and Suggetions for Standards Coordination

A summary of connected work zone activities and data needs developed by the IOO/OEM Forum to support coordination and advance the state of practice.

Note that this resource is posted as a dated draft document, with the intent and anticipation that the document will evolve and improve as additional input is received. Future updates will be posted on this website.

SPaT Challenge Verification Document

A working draft document developed by the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners (CAMP) LLC for agencies deploying SPaT broadcast systems to use in order to verify their deployments.

SPaT V2I Interface  ConOps

This ConOps describes the signal phase and timing (SPaT) V2I Interface for Red-light Violation Warning (RLVW) applications.  The purpose of this ConOps and its associated System Requirement Specification (SRS) is to consolidate the findings of the several IOO/OEM forum documents, discussions that have been held and additional observations into a more structured and comprehensive form for consideration in future standards or guidance creation efforts by others.

This ConOps is focused on the SPaT V2I Interface for RLVW and is not a ConOps for a complete SPaT infrastructure system at a specific intersection.

SPaT  V2I Interface Requirements This System Requirements Specification (SRS) includes requirements for a signal phase and timing (SPaT) V2I Interface for Red-light Violation Warning (RLVW) applications.  Because of this focused purpose of the SRS, it does not address all of the requirements of the system, only those of the SPaT V2I Interface for RLVW. The purpose of this SRS and its associated Concept of Operations (ConOps) is to consolidate the findings of the several IOO/OEM forum documents, discussions that have been held and additional observations into a more structured and comprehensive form for consideration in future standards or guidance creation efforts by others.
SPaT Challenge Resources Collection of resources developed and assembled by the SPaT Challenge Resources Working Group to support deployers in the SPaT Challenge.

Reduced Speed Zone Warning with Lane Closure (RSZW-LC) Infrastructure System Model Concept of Operations

A Model Concept of Operations developed by the IOO/OEM Forum for agencies to reference when deploying an infrastructure system that supports the RSZW-LC application.

Connected Vehicle Deployment Environment A resource developed by the Technical Resources Working Group to describe a holistic view of the CV deployment environment that is necessary to support a successful, interoperable CV implementation. The intended audience for this document includes infrastructure owner operators (IOOs) that are implementing or want to begin a CV deployment and need to understand the overall picture of the CV environment.

CAV Resources White Paper

A white paper developed by the Technical Resources Working Group to document CAV resources that have been developed or are currently being developed to help practitioners more easily identify all available documents to assist in deployments and also identify resource gaps. 

Clearinghouse of CAT Policy Frameworks and Policy Statements

Representative examples of cooperative automated transportation (CAT) policy frameworks and statements identified by the Policy, Legislative, and Regulatory (PLR) Working Group.

Summary of Truck Platooning Policy Issues

Summary of truck platooning, including associated policy considerations and impacts, discussed by the Policy, Legislative, and Regulatory (PLR) Working Group.

Connected Fleet Challenge Resources

Collection of resources assembled by the Strategic Resources Working Group to support deployers in the Connected Fleet Challenge.

Primer of AV/CV Terms A Primer developed by the Infrastructure-Industry Working Group that defines infrastructure-related AV/CV terms and acronyms in order to bridge terminology and understanding between IOOs, OEMs, and other CAT industry partners
Synthesis of AV Deployment & Shuttle Initiatives in the United States A resource jointly developed by the CAT Coalition Infrastructure-Industry Working Group & Committee on Transportation Systems Operations (CTSO) CAT Working Group to summarize a scan conducted in February-April 2020 to understand the current status of autonomous vehicle (AV) shuttle deployments operating in the United States, and the associated experiences and lessons learned by state and local departments of transportation.
 ITS DataHub A single point of entry to discover publicly available intelligent transportation systems (ITS) research data along with resources for data management. To make your data searchable on the ITS DataHub, contact
ITS CodeHub A single point of entry to discover and contribute to open intelligent transportation systems (ITS) source code. To make your source code searchable on the ITS CodeHub, contact
Connected and Automated Vehicle Public Policy across the US (Maryland DOT) The Maryland DOT State Highway Administration maintains an online map with links to national and state-level public policies on connected and automated vehicles. The information provided in this application is sourced from publicly available legislative documents. If you see incorrect or missing information please contact MDOT-SHA here: