The SPaT Challenge
A challenge to state and local public sector transportation infrastructure owners and operators to cooperate together to achieve deployment of DSRC infrastructure with SPaT broadcasts in at least one corridor or network (approximately 20 signalized intersections) in each of the 50 states by January 2020. SPaT broadcasts are expected to be accompanied by MAP and RTCM broadcasts.
Click here for an overview of the current state of the SPaT Challenge, given by Blaine Leonard at the April 18, 2017 AASHTO Connected & Automated Vehicle Focus Area webinar.
The Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) LLC V2I Consortium, a group of several automakers has developed a key resource titled the SPaT Challenge Verification Document. The intent of this document is to help to ensure that SPaT deployments are performed such that the data broadcast (SPaT and MAP messages, and position correction) are compatible and meet the minimum requirements to support the on-board applications that may be released by automobile manufacturers. The focus of the SPaT Challenge Verification Document is on ensuring compatibility with future Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) applications. Download the SPaT Challenge Verification Document here.
2019 SPaT Challenge Webinar Series Registration Now Available
NOCoE is hosting a series of webinars in 2018 and 2019 on the SPaT Challenge. Registration and information on every webinar is available here.
SPaT Challenge Progress
The map display below illustrates those agencies actively participating in the SPaT Challenge, and those that have completed the Challenge. Additional resources are available at this site. Please let us know if you accept the SPaT Challenge.

Let Us Know You Are Actively Pursuing the SPaT Challenge
We’d like to hear from every agency who is participating in the challenge. This will allow us to update our national map, and help encourage peer to peer exchange of information, please provide the following information in an e-mail to
- Name, email, phone of local contact
- Corridor Location (City and state)
- Pin Location (intersection or lat/long)
- Timeline for deployment (rough estimate of planned completion date)
- # of intersections that are operational
- # of intersections that are planned to be operational in 2018/2019/2020
- Description (1 paragraph summary of what your agency is doing e.g. “SPaT broadcast at 20 intersections with MAP planned initially and RTCM to come in the following year, goal is to support Red Light Violation warnings”)
Update Us On Your Progress
The SPaT Challenge is an initiative of the V2I Deployment Coalition, led by AASHTO, ITE, and ITS America. A variety of resources and guidance to support you are available at this website. In addition, a number of ITE Technical Committees have offered to respond to email questions from any agency interested in the SPaT Challenge. Questions may be submitted here.