The Strategic Initiatives TWG led a number of initiatives including: continued support for the SPaT Challenge, including the SPaT Resources Working Group (open to all) and SPaT Verification/Validation; initiation of the Connected Fleet Challenge; sharing and encouraging deployment of outcomes of the IOO/OEM Forum; and overall V2I Implementation Planning.
SPaT Challenge
The SPaT (Signal Phase and Timing) Challenge is a challenge to state and local public sector transportation infrastructure owners and operators to cooperate together to achieve deployment of DSRC infrastructure with SPaT broadcasts in at least one corridor or network (approximately 20 signalized intersections) in each of the 50 states by January 2020. SPaT broadcasts are expected to be accompanied by MAP and RTCM broadcasts. More information on the SPaT Challenge, participating locations, and resources can be found here: https://transportationops.org/spatchallenge.
Connected Fleet Challenge
The Connected Fleet Challenge is a challenge to infrastructure owner operators (IOOs) that have responded to the SPaT Challenge to equip at least one vehicle with an send the Basic Safety Message (BSM) and receive the SPaT, MAP, and other data messages that are being broadcast by 2021. IOOs are the primary target audience for the Connected Fleet Challenge, but are expected to collaborate with one or more partners to equip fleet vehicles, which may include development of one or more safety or mobile applications that leverage available Intelligent Traffic Signal System (ISIG), and Eco Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections applications, as well as those .
Webinar Summaries
Below are webinar summaries for the Strategic Initiatives Working Group:
- July 22, 2021: Agenda | Notes
- April 22, 2021: Agenda | Notes
- January 28, 2021: Agenda | Notes | Slides
- October 22, 2020: Agenda | Notes | Slides
- July 2020:
- April 2020 Webinar:
- January 2020 Webinar:
- October 2019 Webinar:
- July 2019 Webinar:
- April 2019
- January 2019
- November 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
- July 2018
- June 2018
- April 2018
- March 2018