The Technical Resources TWG focused on the identification of resource needs and institutional challenges, such as workforce development. The working group also provided review and analysis of other products and resources, such as deployment guidance and IOO-OEM Forum outcomes.
Webinar Summaries
Below are summaries for the Technical Resources Working Group:
- November 10, 2021: Agenda | Notes | Slides | Agency Insights on DSRC and C-V2X | CARMA Update
- August 11, 2021: Agenda | Notes | Slides | Connected Intersections Validation
- May 12, 2021: Agenda | Notes | Slides
- February 2021: Agenda | Notes | Slides | C-V2X Standards Updates | RSU Standard Update
- November 2020: Agenda | Notes | Slides
- August 2020: Agenda | Notes | Slides
- May 2020: Agenda | Notes | Slides | FHWA Roadway Automation Concept of Operations
- February 2020: Agenda | Notes | Slides | NEMA TS 10 Draft Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Standard
- November 2019: Agenda | Notes | Slides | Connected Vehicle Technology Procurement State of the Practice Analysis
- August 2019: Agenda | Notes | Slides | Cellular V2X Overview
- May 2019
- February 2019
- November 2018
- October 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
- July 2018
- June 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
Additional Resources
Connected Vehicle Deployment Environment: A resource developed by the Technical Resources Working Group to describe a holistic view of the CV deployment environment that is necessary to support a successful, interoperable CV implementation. The intended audience for this document includes infrastructure owner operators (IOOs) that are implementing or want to begin a CV deployment and need to understand the overall picture of the CV environment.
CAV White Paper: The Technical Resources Working Group developed a white paper to document CAV resources that have been developed or are currently being developed to help practitioners more easily identify all available documents to assist in deployments and also identify resource gaps. This white paper was initiated based on an identified need to consolidate information about available CAV resources developed by a variety of stakeholders into a single document for practitioners to more easily access.