Research Search Results

Case Studies & Lessons Learned

Performance-Based Highway Maintenance and Operations Management


There has been a strong interest in what has become known as maintenance quality assurance, or MQA, over the past decade. This interest is driven by both the growing recognition of the importance of highway maintenance in preserving a valuabl

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Presentation Guide: Operations in the 21st Century DOT: Meeting Customer Expectations

This document is the presentation guide for SHRP 2 Project L31, Reliability Workshops for State and Public Sector Managers. It contains material for presentation to the chief executive officers (CEOs) and senior managers of state departments of transportation (DOTs) about the v

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Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volume 3: Expediting Future Technologies for Enhancing Transportation System Performance

The General Motors’ Futurama exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York piqued the collective imaginations of Americans and the world. The exhibit promised that in a mere 25 years, the United States would have an automated highway system offering tremendous benefits in meetin

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The Legal Definitions of "First Responder"


This digest was prepared to answer the following questions: first, whether there is a definition of the term “first responder” in federal law, and second, if there is a definition in federal law, what is the definition’s effect on the distrib

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Train-the-Trainer Pilot Courses for Incident Responders and Managers

The costs associated with traffic congestion are high and continue to rise. The 2012 Urban Mobility Report, published by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, cites the following facts:

The total financial cost of congestion in 2011 was $121 billion, up $1 billi
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Use of Transportation Asset Management Principles in State Highway Agencies


Roadway infrastructure within the United States includes features such as roads, bridges, signs, pavement markings, traffic signals, support commerce and mobility, and is, in essence, a shared financial public resource worthy of being managed

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Case Studies & Lessons Learned

Arizona Connected Vehicle Work Zone

The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), as part of AZTech and the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA’s) Every Day Counts initiative, developed a system for deployment of Smarter Work Zone technology at work zone sites. The smart work zone system is designed to be implemented

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Leading Practices in Modifying Agency Organization and Management to Accommodate Changing Transportation System Technologies

This report summarizes the findings from the scan “Leading Practices in Modifying Agency Organization and Management to Accommodate Changing Transportation System Technologies.” The purpose of the scan was to investigate and exchange information about how Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are

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Informational Product
Tips & Trends

2023 TSMO Trends Survey

The 2023 TSMO Trends Survey provides information in 3 parts:

Part 1: Attract, develop, sustain, and expand the TSMO workforce

Part 2: Accelerate deployment of current and emerging TSMO practices (technology and strategies)

Part 3: Mainstream TSMO as a core function o

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