Arizona Connected Vehicle Work Zone


The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), as part of AZTech and the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA’s) Every Day Counts initiative, developed a system for deployment of Smarter Work Zone technology at work zone sites. The smart work zone system is designed to be implemented during the construction of MCDOT's MC-85 project. The system will use the Connected Vehicle Work Zone (CVWZ) technology to provide dynamic, real time, and continuous work-zone related in-vehicle information.
In June 2016, MCDOT conducted a Smart Work Zone Technical Feasibility Concept Study to layout the project’s operational concepts and performance measure strategies (See the study here). The study proposed that the work zone should have devices that provide the following general functions:

  • INFORM: The device will be placed prior to the beginning of the work zone to inform drivers on work zone conditions and alternative route info
  • ADVISE: The device will be placed just prior to the start of the work zone to inform drivers on work zone conditions
  • WARN: The device will be positioned at the beginning of the work zone (at the point where lane restrictions occur) to inform drivers on work zone conditions and assign speed to vehicles (variable and/or vehicle-based)
  • CHECK: The device will be placed in the middle of the work zone to provide driver feedback (e.g., speed feedback)

The designed CVWZ system includes infrastructure devices and systems as well as in-vehicle systems to convey the messages from the road to the vehicles. Road Side Units will be used along the road to connect to On-Board Units (OBUs) inside the vehicles. MCDOT has successfully designed and implemented the Road Side Unit prototype in the field for the MC-85 CVWZ pilot project. The data collected through the RSUs will be relayed through a wireless cellular connection to a web-based WZ system where MCDOT TMC operators can access through an internet connection. The collected information will be disseminated by the TMC to ADOT Traffic Operation Centers, local TMCs, Public Information Office, and project website. The connected work zone technology will be implemented as a pilot project in an arterial setting (MC-85) as well as a freeway setting (Eastbound I-10 at loop 202).

For more details, you can view the Flyers from Downloads.

Operations Area of Practice

    Connected Vehicles
    Work Zone Management

Organizational Capability Element

    Work Zone Management
    Vehicle Systems/Connected Vehicles

Content Type

Case Studies & Lessons Learned

Publishing Organization

State DOTs

Document Downloads

TOM Chapters
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