Safe and Reliable Transportation in Tennessee
by: Brad Freeze, Director, Traffic Operations Division, Tennessee DOT
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has a long history of pursuing innovative solutions for challenges related to weather, traffic congestion, and incident management. The mission of TDOT is to provide a safe and reliable transportation system that supports economic growth and quality of life. This mission is clearly in alignment with the fundamental principles of Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO). In 2014, the Department elevated the focus on TSMO by establishing the Traffic Operations Division. Since that time TDOT has developed a Traffic Operations Program Plan and worked to deploy program initiatives and expand partnerships focused on improving the safety and efficiency of the state’s transportation system. The five cases studies presented below are snapshot examples from the Tennessee story. These examples have helped inform and advance the cause of TDOT and our partners in improving the state’s transportation system and strengthening the trust of our customers.