NOCoE Releases Case Studies on
All Eight TSMO Award Winners and Runners-Up
The National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) has released eight case studies that capture the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) projects and programs recently recognized with TSMO Awards. The case studies not only capture the leading practices in the TSMO industry but serve as tools to help grow the capabilities and impact of TSMO programs across the country. These case studies are below and available in our knowledge center.
NOCoE will continue to release case studies based on each of the 60 submissions from the inaugural TSMO Awards: While only four winners and runners-up could be recognized, all 60 submissions demonstrated a TSMO practice or strategy worth capturing for others in the industry to learn from, and we will help share that knowledge via case studies we'll release through the summer of 2019.
NOCoE will also publish case studies on additional topics: Through recent agency engagement visits, we've been working on capturing the unique practices of a variety of TSMO programs, which we intend to share via case studies over the course of 2019. We've also been learning about specific collaboration efforts between universities and departments of transportation, many of which are replicable for other agencies and universities and, by working with these university programs, we'll share those practices and programs via case studies as well.
Case Study of the Week: Every week, we'll feature one of these new case studies on our website and via our social media outlets. Please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to see these case studies every week, and, of course, register for our bi-weekly newsletter where we'll always feature the most recently published NOCoE case studies.
Submissions for the 2nd Annual TSMO Awards will open in the summer of 2019.
TSMO in Action: Inaugural TSMO Awards Highlight
Changes In How We Approach Transportation Challenges
This short video provides an overview of the Inaugural TSMO Award Winners and what they're doing to advance the practice of TSMO.
NOCoE Case Studies:
Sharing TSMO Practices to Save Lives, Time, and Money
Best TSMO Project Winner: Arizona DOT
Improving TSMO Capabilities Winner: ITS Heartland and HDR
Major Incident or Special Event Winner: North Carolina DOT
Major Incident or Special Event Runner-up: Pennsylvania DOT
Public Communications Runner-up: Michigan DOT
About the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE)
The mission of NOCoE is to empower the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community to succeed by building its knowledge, skills and abilities and to connect them with best-practices and experts to save lives, time and money. Born of a partnership of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) with support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), we serve those in state departments of transportation, regional planning organizations, municipalities, local agencies as well as private sector organizations.