Sustaining TSMO Peer Exchange Report
The National Operations Center of Excellence hosted the Sustaining TSMO Virtual Peer Exchange to share information between a cross section of agency leaders and principal staff from states, MPOs, and cities with experience in developing and implementing TSMO plans, programs, strategies, and policies in their jurisdictions. This peer exchange benefited from the interaction among organizations of different sizes, breadth, and experience.
Road Weather Management Portal
This portal, developed by the FHWA RWM Program, collects resources and information about the practice of road weather management. Please review the portal menu to access this information.
See dates below and sign up for all 2025 Road Weather Spotlight webinars!
May 7th, 2025
July 9th, 2025
September 3rd, 2025
November 5th, 2025
The NOCoE TSMO Awards celebrate the TSMO strategies and tools that leverage existing infrastructure to increase safety and reliability. Each year, NOCoE awards winners in four TSMO Award categories. For 2025, the categories are:
- Best TSMO Project
- Agency Improvement
- Emerging Practices and Technologies
- Cybersecurity and TSMO
Submit your project by April 4th to be considered for an award!
Benefits of being a TSMO Award winner include:
- A TSMO Award and digital seal for promotion
- A case study document of their submission featured on the NOCoE website
- A press release announcing them as a TSMO Award winner
- A feature in NOCoE’s newsletter, social media channels, and website as a TSMO Award winner
Benefits of being a Joey Sagal TSMO Leadership Award winner include:
- A Joey Sagal TSMO Leadership Award and digital seal for promotion
- A profile document highlighting the individual and their contributions featured on the NOCoE website
- A press release announcing them as a Joey Sagal TSMO Leadership Award winner
- A feature in NOCoE’s newsletter, social media channels, and website as a Joey Sagal TSMO Leadership Award winner
Submit your project by April 4th to be considered for an award!
The Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Program saves lives by reducing WWD crashes through detection systems that alert drivers and law enforcement, preventing over 95% of potential incidents.
It saves time by enabling quick interventions, minimizing traffic disruptions. By preventing crashes, FDOT also saves money on emergency response, medical costs, and infrastructure repairs, while promoting safer and more efficient roadways.
2025 Presidential Inauguration
NYNJ FIFA WC26 Planning Feasibility Study Checklist
Road Weather Spotlight Series
Flood Management in Fort Collins (Presentation)
CIROH Research Efforts on Hydrologic Modeling
Flood Management in Fort Worth (Presentation)
Talking TIM: February 2025
Jason Dicembre (Presentation)
Dr. Darcy M. Bullock (Presentation)
About the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE)
NOCoE provides services to the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community to saves lives, improve travel times, and enhance economic vitality. With an emphasis on workforce development, NOCoE aims to assist in the deployment of technologies and the mainstreaming of TSMO solutions by fostering education, networking, communication, and knowledge transfer.
For more information, please visit