Publications Search Results


Transportation Planning For Operations: Quick Guide to Practitioner Resources

Transportation professionals like you have important questions about the complex transportation challenges of planning for operations. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a number of knowledge resources to help provide answers to planners, operators, public safety professional

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Signal Systems Asset Management: State-of-the-Practice Review

This memo presents a synthesis of existing practice, based on collection of structured information from state and local agencies with signal system management responsibilities. One hundred twenty agencies were contacted and asked to fill out a data collection instrument placed on the web. The ins

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2012 Urban Congestion Trends: Operations: The Key to Reliable Travel

This report highlights several case studies where operational strategies have been successfully implemented. The first two case studies identify how reporting and monitoring can improve stakeholder decision making. Proactive reporting and monitoring ensure that transportation improvements are des

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Mitigating Traffic Congestion-The Role of Demand-Side Strategies

Mitigating Traffic Congestion: The Role of Demand-Side Strategies articulates a framework for understanding contemporary efforts to manage demand and improve the performance and efficiency of transportation systems. The document provides extensive examples of programs already underway in a variet

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Work Zone Intelligent Transportation Systems Implementation Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on implementing ITS in work zones to assist public agencies, design and construction firms, and industry, including developers, manufacturers, distributors, packagers, and providers of devices, systems, and programs. Work zone ITS is one possibl

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Traffic Incident Management Cost Management and Cost Recovery Primer

This publication provides mid-level managers at transportation and other stakeholder agencies with the resources they need to explain the benefits of traffic incident management (TIM) and TIM cost management and cost recovery to executive leadership. It also provides the same mid-level managers w

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