Publications Search Results


Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process:

The document has been developed to serve as a desk reference on integrating demand management into the transportation planning process. The desk reference is organized around two fundamental aspects of transportation planning – policy objectives and scope of the planning effort. The report discus

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Best Practices for Road Condition Reporting Systems

This report compiles information received through a survey and interviews with transportation agencies throughout North America to understand the uses of RCRSs and to identify industry practices that have delivered benefits to the agencies operating RCRSs. A total of 49 Current RCRS Industry Prac

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2011 Urban Congestion Trends: Improving Travel Reliability with Operations

The benefits of successfully implemented operational strategies can include less travel time, more reliable travel times, less fuel consumed, fewer emissions, and increased safety, to name a few. These improvements benefit the movement of people and goods on the highway system. The

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Freight Facts and Figures 2012

Freight Facts and Figures 2012 2012 is a snapshot of the volume and value of freight flows in the United States, the physical network over which freight moves, the economic conditions that generate freight movements, the industry that carries freight, and the safety, energy, and environmental imp

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Impact of Exempt Vehicles on Managed Lanes

This report examines programs in use by states allowing low-emission and energy efficient vehicles to use HOV, HOT, and managed lanes without meeting the vehicle-occupancy requirements. Information is presented on the enabling legislation, the program elements, use of the programs, and impacts of

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