Managing Traffic Management Systems (TMS) Assets and Resources – TRB Workshop #1002 Results

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PDH Credit



As agencies reliance on traffic management systems (TMSs) to improve safety and mobility continues to grow, agencies are exploring opportunities to improve the reliability, performance and cost effectiveness of their TMS assets. The inventory and condition of TMS assets and resources are critical inputs to consideration, prioritization, and allocation of available resources (e.g., maintenance, repairs, improvements) and the real-time management and operation of these systems. This information on these assets are also critical inputs into the strategic planning, program planning, management, and transition to the next generation of their agencies TMSs as they explore options to modify, upgrade, or replace TMSs or specific subsystems (software, data, telecom), components, or field devices.

The purpose of this webinar is to highlight the results of TRB Workshop #1002 “Managing Traffic Management Systems (TMS) Assets and Resources”.  This webinar will provide participants with an appreciation of the practices, available resources, or key issues to consider in support of integrating the inventory and condition of assets and key resources into the planning, management, and operation of TMSs. Presentations will provide the context for TMS assets and resources, asset inventory development and management, asset monitoring and assessing, and asset condition reporting. Presenters will frame each of these topics, an initial list of issues to consider, and resources available to assist with developing and maintaining an inventory, monitoring and assessing, or reporting on the condition of TMS assets. Key Findings from TRB 2021 Workshop 1002 can be found here.

Target Audience

Participants in this webinar will benefit a wide range of practitioners who may be responsible for, support, make decisions which may influence, manage and operate, maintain, evaluate, or report on the capabilities, performance, or condition of TMS assets or resources.

Learning Objectives

Individuals participating in this webinar will obtain a Shared understanding of the importance of:

  1. Developing and maintaining an inventory of TMS assets;
  2. Monitoring and assessing TMS assets; and
  3. Reporting on the Condition and Performance of TMS Assets.


Jon T. Obenberger, Ph.D., P.E.

Topics of Presentations and Presenters

TMS Assets and Resources – Framing the Discussion, Peter Marshall, Siemens

Developing and Maintaining an Inventory of TMS Assets, Dan Lukasik, Parsons

Monitoring and Assessing TMS Assets, Les Jacobson, WSP

Reporting on the Condition and Performance of TMS Assets, John Benda, HNTB

Summary of Dialog From TRB’s Workshop 1002 (2021 Annual Meeting), Lisa Burgess, Kimley-Horn

Opportunities for Research and Industry Collaboration, Greg Krueger, Chair of TRB ITS Committee, HNTB

Sponsoring Organizations

  • TRB Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee [ACP15]
  • TRB Freeway Operations Committee [ACP20]
  • TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee [ACP25]
  • TRB Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee [AED50]
  • TRB Active Traffic Management Joint Subcommittee [ACP20-5]
  • TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management & Operations Committee [AHB10]
  • European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures (ASECAP)
  • International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
  • AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Operations, ITS Work Group
  • Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study (PFS)
  • ERTICO Innovation Platform Traffic Management 2.0 Work Group.



Event Type:


Organizational Capability Element:

    Asset Management
    Arterial Traffic Control Device Operations