The purpose of this workshop was to explore opportunities for agencies to integrate the inventory and condition of assets and key resources into the planning, management, and operation of TMSs. This workshop builds on the theme and topics explored during the 2020 TRB workshop, “Vision, Concepts, and Capabilities for the Next-Generation of TMSs”. The workshop identified practices, available resources, or key issues for agencies to consider with respect to:
- Developing and maintaining an inventory of TMS assets and resources
- Monitoring and assessing TMS assets and resources
- Reporting on the condition and performance of TMS assets
TMSs and systems with operations centers (TMCs) offer agencies the potential to improve safety and mobility. The inventory and condition of TMS assets and other resources (e.g., policies, procedures, manuals, designs) are critical inputs to planning, consideration, and prioritization of future investments, improvements, or allocation of available resources. Collecting, archiving, maintaining, and using data from the inventory and condition of TMS assets are critical inputs into these planning processes, decisions to allocate resources, and activities (e.g., maintenance, repairs) for subsystems (software, data, and telecommunications), components, or devices.
The following four presentations framed TMS assets and resources, asset inventory development and management, asset monitoring and assessing, and asset condition reporting. The workshop leveraged the collective insights and experience of attendees during a highly interactive small-group breakout groups. The findings from these breakout groups and recommended actions for the co-sponsors to consider advancing in 2021 and 2021 are captured in the summary of the workshop.
- TMS Assets and Resources – Framing the Discussion, Peter Marshall, Siemens
- Developing and Maintaining an Inventory of TMS Assets, Dan Lukasik, Parsons
- Monitoring and Assessing TMS Assets, Les Jacobson, WSP
- Reporting on the Condition and Performance of TMS Assets, John Benda, HNTB
- Complete workshop slide deck
- Workshop Summary Report – Key Findings from Workshop 1002
The co-sponsors of this workshop included:
- TRB Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee [ACP15]
- TRB Freeway Operations Committee [ACP20]
- TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee [ACP25]
- TRB Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee [AED50]
- TRB Active Traffic Management Joint Subcommittee [ACP20-5]
- TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management & Operations Committee [AHB10]
- European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures (ASECAP)
- International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA)
- AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Operations, ITS Work Group
- Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study (PFS)
- RTICO Innovation Platform Traffic Management 2.0 Work Group.