This yearly competition is open to any student looking to start a career in transportation systems management & operations (TSMO). Students are asked to submit their ePortfolio to demonstrate their desire to work in the TSMO industry and to demonstrate their communications and creativity skills to prospective employers.Entrants should develop or update their current ePortfolios to ensure they clearly demonstrate an interest in TSMO and showcase their academic or professional experience relevant to a potential TSMO position. Please note: this can include experience outside of transportation and engineering, including communications, data science, economics, and many other disciplines.
Winners receive free travel to TRB, participate in discussions and one-on-one meetings with TSMO industry leaders, and participate in select NOCoE and TSMO activities.
2019 Winners
Previous Winners
- Jin Wang, Auburn University, Link to ePortfolio
- Gabriel Odreman Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Link to ePortfolio
- Angela Kitali, Florida International University, Link to ePortfolio
- Farinoush Sharifi, Texas A&M University, Link to ePortfolio
- Sogand Karbalaieali, Louisiana State University, Link to ePortfolio