Publications Search Results

Best Practice

Quick Clearance and ‘Move It’ Best Practices Executive Summary

The I-95 Corridor Coalition undertook this effort to review policies and procedures in the corridor in coordination with a National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) study.This executive summary provides an overview of recommended administrative, regulatory and statutory best practices

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Informational Product

National Traffic Incident Management Coalition

The NTIMC is committed to working together to promote, develop, and sustain multidisciplinary, multijurisdictional Traffi c Incident Management (TIM) programs to achieve enhanced responder safety; safe, quick traffic incident clearance; and more prompt, reliable, interoperable communications.

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Informational Product

V2I Deployment Coalition Workshop Agenda

Agenda from the V2I Deployment Coalition initial workshop held June 4-5, 2015 in Pittsburgh, PA.

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V2I Deployment Coalition: Technical Memorandum 1: V2I Deployment Issues

The purpose of this technical memorandum is to provide background information on the Vehicle to Infrastructure Deployment Coalition (V2IDC); to document the process followed since the coalition was created; to define the issues that the coalition intends to address; and, to summarize the next ste

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Traffic Incident Management: Performance Measurement Brochure

This webinar will provide an overview of some of the most recent research and resources available to agencies regarding TIM performance measurement. The webinar will present and discuss the output of NCHRP 07-20: Guidance on the Implementation of TIM Performance Measures, specifically the TIM PM

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V2I Deployment Coalition: Technical Memorandum 2: Workshop 1 Findings and Progress

The primary purpose of this technical memorandum is to summarize findings from Workshop 1 of the Vehicle to Infrastructure Deployment Coalition (V2I DC). The memorandum will also highlight activities of the individual V2I DC Technical Working Groups (TWG); review status of the V2I deployment issu

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Informational Product

V2I Deployment Coalition: Introduction

Introductory presentation from the V2I Deployment Coalition initial workshop held June 4-5, 2015 in Pittsburgh, PA.

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V2I Deployment Coalition Executive Committee Meeting Summary

V2I Deployment Coalition Executive Committee Meeting

The inaugural V2I Deployment Coalition (V2I DC) Executive Committee meeting was hosted by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) in Denver, Colorado on September 9-10, 2015. The meeting included a working session on

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Informational Product

Vehicle Probe Project Suite

The Vehicle Probe Project Suite tools allow agencies to support operations, undertake planning activities, perform analysis and research activities, and develop performance measurement reports with lightning speed. The suite tools make use of 3rd party probe data (HERE, INRIX, TomTom,and even the

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Informational Product

Quick Clearance

The I-95 Corridor Coalition has developed a wealth of Quick Clearance reference materials, including a Quick Clearance Toolkit to help in initiating or improving Quick Clearance programs and activities in jurisdictions. The contents of this easy-to-use, “A-Z” quick clearance implementation guide

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