Publications Search Results


FHWA: Secondary Crash Research: A Multi-state Analysis

This report describes research to leverage various data collection approaches (e.g., traffic crash reports and advanced traffic management systems) to create a multistate dataset on secondary crashes to better understand factors surrounding these crashes using descriptive statistics and case stud

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FHWA: Estimation of Travel Time Distributions Applications Guide

This reference provides information to transportation agencies, professionals, and researchers on a methodology and tools that could potentially synthesize and replicate traveler-based distributions of time travel along continuous paths regardless of facility type. Includes information on testing

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Sustaining TSMO Peer Exchange Report

The National Operations Center of Excellence hosted the Sustaining TSMO Virtual Peer Exchange to share information between a cross section of agency leaders and principal staff from states, MPOs, and cities with experience in developing and implementing TSMO plans, programs, strategies, and polic

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