Publications Search Results


NOCoE Best Practices: TSMO Program Planning Report

The concept of a TSMO program plan is based on the idea that to incorporate TSMO as an integrated part of a transportation agency, TSMO-specific processes, strategies, and deployments must be designed to work with already existing institutional arrangements.

A TSMO program addresses the str

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Florida TSMO Strategic Plan

The Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) 2017 Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Strategic Plan outlines a comprehensive approach to achieving fatality-free and congestion-free transportation systems. Developed collaboratively by the State Traffic Engineering an

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Alabama DOT Statewide TSMO Master Program Plan

The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) has developed a Statewide Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Program Plan to enhance the efficiency and safety of Alabama's transportation network. This plan outlines strategies and programmatic fundamentals aimed at improving

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Iowa DOT TSMO Program Plan

The 2022 TSMO Plan Update builds on existing activities and recognizes the evolution of Iowa’s transportation system. The nature of transportation operations is dynamic, which is why Iowa DOT updates the TSMO Plan on a five-year cycle to recognize and capitalize on emerging technologies and strat

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Maryland DOT SHA TSMO Strategic Plan

The Maryland Department of Transportation's 2018 Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Strategic Plan outlines a comprehensive approach to optimize the performance of existing multimodal infrastructure. The plan emphasizes integrating TSMO as a core program area, developing a fo

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Minnesota DOT TSMO Program Plan

The 2024 TSMO Strategic Plan defines TSMO in Minnesota.  It explains how it aligns with other MnDOT planning efforts, sets TSMO goals and objectives, and establishes a set of TSMO Tactical Plans. The Tactical Plans provide direction on the implementation of specific areas of TSMO.

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Nevada DOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan

The Nevada Department of Transportation's (NDOT) 2020 Statewide Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Program Plan presents a five-year action plan aimed at optimizing the performance of existing infrastructure through integrated, cross-jurisdictional strategies. The plan is str

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Ohio DOT: Transportation Systems Management & Operations website

The Office of Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSMO) is responsible for delivering a core part of ODOT's mission statement: To make Ohio’s transportation system work better.

The office oversees many programs that collectively keep traffic moving safely

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Pennsylvania DOT Highway Safety and Traffic Operations Roadmap

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's (PennDOT) Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) serves as a comprehensive blueprint to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Pennsylvania roadways. The plan identifies Priority Emphasis Areas, including Lane Departure Crashes, Impaired Driving, a

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