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Advancing transportation operations programs using capability maturity frameworks including a work zone case management study
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018
Time: 1:30-3:00pm Eastern Time Zone
Registration: Click Here to Register
Audio Dial-in: 1-844-712-3247, access code: 597 168 272
The FHWA Organizing and Planning for Operations Team invites you to a webinar on using the FHWA-developed Capability Maturity Frameworks (CMF) to advance transportation operations organizational capabilities. This webinar will provide information on the background of the CMF program, introduce participants to the CMF self-assessment and capability advancement process, and provide information on available CMF resources, including online tools and FHWA-sponsored workshops. In addition, the webinar will explain how the CMFs can be integrated with existing initiatives such as Weather Savvy Roads, Work Zone Management Process Reviews, and Integrated Corridor Management. This webinar will also include a case study for how the Kansas Department of Transportation integrated the Work Zone CMF into their biennial Work Zone Management Process Review.
The six program area frameworks, associated online tools, and FHWA-sponsored workshops are all available to help agencies and regions identify their current operational strengths and weaknesses and to develop a targeted action plan in the following areas:
- Traffic Management
- Traffic Incident Management
- Road Weather Management
- Planned Special Events
- Work Zone Management
- Traffic Signal Management
- Welcome and Overview of Operations CMF’s – Jim Hunt, FHWA
- Using the Frameworks, Outcomes, and Linking the Framework to Other Initiatives – Jerry Ullman, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
- Case Study: Using the Work Zone CMF to Improve Work Zone Management Process Reviews – Eric Kocher, Kansas DOT
- Available CMF Resources and Workshops – Jim Hunt and Paul Pisano, FHWA
- Q & A
Feel free to forward this invitation to other individuals in your agency who might be interested.
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