FHWA Data Business Planning National Workshop

Start Date:



Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed a Data Business Plan Guide for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and regional agencies to assist them with organizing their mobility data – including addressing technology and institutional issues associated with sharing and integrating operations and planning data. The Guide includes techniques to: develop data partnerships and governance, address gaps, conduct capability maturity assessments and get ready for regional data platforms. FHWA assisted three agencies in developing pilot Data Business Plans to address mobility data challenges. These are Hillsborough MPO, Maryland State DOT and Mid America Regional Council (MARC). FHWA has also sponsored training and facilitated workshops for regional agencies interested in working on improving mobility data access and partnering. These agencies include The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). A workshop is being planned for The Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC).  
This webinar will provide information about the Guide and features presentations from many of the agencies listed above, where they will share best practices and lessons learned in mobility data business planning and governance. The guide can be accessed here.

Target Audience
MPOs, Regional Transportation Agencies and State DOT Planning, Operations, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) offices

Learning Objectives

  1. To be aware of the FHWA Office of Operations Data Business Plan Guide and the resources it includes
  2. To learn about how the Guide is being applied within MPOs and State DOTs
  3. To know where to find additional resources to assist with local mobility data business planning and data governance efforts

Walter During, FHWA and Anita Vandervalk, Iteris, Inc.
Johnny Wong, Hillsborough MPO; Caitlin Zibers, Mid America Regional Council (MARC);  Subrat Mahapatra (Maryland State Highway Administration); Kofi Wakhisi (Atlanta Regional Council); Rodney Schilling (Nevada DOT)

Event Type:


Organizational Capability Element:


Operations Area of Practice:

    Business Processes/Policies and Procedures
    Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
    Data Acquisition, Support and Hosting
    Regional environmental data sets and models