Expanding Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training to the Towing & Recovery Personnel Community

Start Date:



Traffic Incident Management is a high risk business and Towers are struck and killed by dangerous drivers at a higher rate than police, firefighters, emergency medical services and other responders.  On average 40-60 per year, approximately 1 per week.  Their names are memorialized on the Wall of the Fallen at the International Towing & Recovery Museum in Chattanooga, TN.   

FHWA’s Office of Operations, Traffic Incident and Events Management Team in partnership with the Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA) and other partner associations seek to further expand TIM training into the towing and recovery community.  FHWA works with practitioners as well as with State, regional, and local jurisdictions to build their professional capacity, enhance multi-disciplinary relationships, and provide tools that educate professionals and the public in how to address traffic incidents safely and quickly.  As of April 2017, FHWA’s TIM program continues to focus on professional capacity building.  To date, over 250,000 TIM professionals have received National TIM Responder Training. 

FHWA has been successful at the national level in bringing together key associations representing stakeholder groups.  Since 2012, the Executive Leadership Group has met twice a year, and now includes more than ten organizations, representing Towing and Recovery Association of America, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the National Sheriffs Association, the National Association of State EMS Officials, AASHTO and others.  


Learning Objectives:

  • Identify benefits, challenges, success stories and lessons learned from over four years of deployment
  • Share latest curriculum update and roll-out plan as well as implementation beyond 2017
  • Discuss state best practices, legislation and agreements    
  • Discuss options for taking the TIM training through web-based learning at Respondersafety.com and the National Highway Institute (NHI)
  • Discuss and share National TIM Training Point-of-Contacts List    





Currently with FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations, Traffic Incident & Events Management Team where he is responsible for the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Program.  Jim works with a team of other nationally recognized subject matter experts in the field of incident/ emergency management and planned special events.  On 9/11, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) assigned Jim as the liaison to the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPDC).  He reported to the Joint Operations Coordination Center (JOCC) at police headquarters and his life changed forever.  Jim joined the DC Metropolitan Police Department’s Homeland Security Bureau Special Operations Division, overseeing the departments two million dollar National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) highway safety grant through DDOT’s Highway Safety Office and was the department’s TIM Coordinator/Subject Matter Expert. Prior to MPDC he spent ten years with District of Columbia, Department of Transportation (DDOT) where served as the Acting Chief of the Work Zones and Public Safety Branch (WZPS), which he established in 2001.  In 2004, Jim was promoted to Program Manager for newly constructed 24/7 DDOT Traffic Management Center (TMC) and Roadway Operations Patrol (ROP) Incident Response Team.  As the Systems Operations Branch Chief, Jim gained extensive experience in Transportation Incident Management (TIM), Emergency Management and Planned Special Events arena.  Jim was DOT Incident Commander in numerous major incidents in Washington D.C. post 9/11 including such incidents as Tractor Man, the DC Sniper, Woodrow Wilson Bridge Jumper, President Reagan and Ford’s Funerals, the Georgetown Library and Eastern Market fires, Metrorail crash of 2009, President Barack Obama Inauguration and many other large and small scale events around the National Capital Region. 


 Mr. Jeff Roskopf (towmanjeff@sbcglobal.net)

Currently serving as TRAA President and formerly served as TRAA 1st Vice President from 2011-2015. He has served on TRAA’s Executive Board since 2007 in a number of capacities including Chair of the TRAA Membership Committee, Active Past Chairman of the Wisconsin Towing Association (WTA) and member of the WTA’s Education, Legislative and Convention Committees, WI DOT SE TIME Committee, Fleet Maintenance Council of Southeast Wisconsin, Past Vice President of Friends of Towing and Past Director of the Waupun Trucker’s Jamboree. Industry awards received include 2012 TRAA Presidential Award, 2006 TRAA Diamond Appreciation Award, the Wisconsin Towing Association Service Award and induction into the International Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame Class of 2012


Currently serving as the Executive Director for the Towing and Recovery Association of America, Inc. (TRAA). She has been involved in many different aspects of the towing industry for over 30 years. Her experiences include: Executive Director of the Statewide Towing Association in MA, Secretary of the Conference of Northeast Towing Associations, board member of the Statewide Towing Academy, Treasurer of the Towing Repair and Collision Political Action Committee, TRAA State Director, and board member of the TRAA Education Foundation.

·Mr. Dean Gustafson (Dean.Gustafson@VDOT.Virginia.gov)

Dean Gustafson, P.E., PTOE is the State Operations Engineer for Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Operations Division and began September 2012.  This includes a staff of 28, annual budget over $20 million and responsibility for the Operations/ITS Program within Virginia.  Mr. Gustafson is chair the Operations Strategies focus area under AASHTO subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), member of National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) Technical Advisory Committee, and member of TRB Freeway Operations Committee.

I served with the Connecticut State Police for 35 years in a host of assignments retiring in 2009. During my service, I served as a Commanding Officer in a variety of assignments, including transportation safety, highway incident management, aviation security, communications and investigations. I was a trained Accident Re-constructionist, conducting serious and fatal crash investigations.. I represented the Agency on numerous committees, both federal and state. I served as a member of the U.S. Navy Trained, Connecticut State Police Dive Team for 25 years participating in underwater search and recovery operations throughout New England.

Currently serves as the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (DOT), Project Manager for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Train the Trainer (TIM) Program. I am tasked with working with State, Local, Regional Planning Agencies and private sector entities, such as the State towing and recovery industry, in building the Highway Incident Management program. I work closely with the State Training directors for Fire and Law Enforcement Academies to coordinate TIM training activities.

Target Audience:

This webinar is intended for TRAA/ State Towing Association leadership and its members.  FHWA Division Office representatives and SHRP2 TIM Responder Training Program State Point of Contacts will also be invited to participate.  

Event Type:


Role in Organization:

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Media / PIO
Emergency Manager