11th National Conference on Access Management

Start Date:



The 11th National Conference will be held in Seattle Washington on September 21-23, 2015 in conjunction with the AASHTO (Subcommittee on Design) SCOD.

This conference will be focused on “Access Management Across the Modes” and is being held in conjunction with the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design.  This combination of transportation professionals - urban designers, land use planners, engineers, decision makers and developers– will create an opportunity for participants to better understand and apply access management principles across all transportation modes.

The conference will also include workshops and training associated with the publication of the 2nd Edition of the Access Management Manual and the Access Management Application Guide. In developing the conference theme of Access Management Across the Modes, the committee is requesting papers and presentations that include, but are not limited to:

Learning Objectives:

Address the objectives of managing and separating conflicts between modes and single modes throughout the transportation system;• How a multimodal access approach can improve growth and success of cities, towns and counties;• Demonstrate access management strategies within the context of the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide, NACTO Bikeway Design Guide, and the AASHTO Greenbook;• Evaluate access management practices both inside and outside the public right-of-way;• Present legal and economic considerations associated with access management planning, design, and implementation; and• Provide perspectives and new research regarding access management related performance measures and crash modification factors.

We look forward to seeing you in Seattle in September 2015! The conference will begin Sunday night with a welcome reception (and possible AM workshops on Sunday). The AASHTO meeting will run though Thursday September 25. The Access Management track will probably conclude Wednesday morning before lunch. The Mid-Year meeting of the AHB70 Committee will likely take place either on Monday evening, or Wednesday morning depending on the demand for program sessions.



Event Type:


Organizational Capability Element:

    Performance Management
    Evaluation of Operations Strategies
    Performance Measurement
    Freeway Operations
    Active Traffic Management/Travel Demand Management/Pricing
    Technical Understanding
    Program Status/Authorities
    Education, Training & Professional Activities
    Program Status

Operations Area of Practice:

    Access Management

Role in Organization:

Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Media / PIO