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Regional Operations Forums

Regional Operations Forums (ROFs), developed by the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) and the Transportation Research Board (TRB), provide practitioners with new and innovative approaches for managing and operating the transportation system, drawing from the cutting-edge work carried out under the SHRP2 program and other national programs.


As states confront transportation problems with tighter fiscal budgets, the necessity for better managing and operating the transportation system becomes extremely critical. The ROF provides practitioners with new and innovative approaches for managing and operating the transportation system.  Participation in a forum provides the understanding, strategies, technologies and practices needed to advance the paradigm shift towards transportation systems management and operations. 


  • To mainstream systems management and operations into the culture of the state departments of transportation by transitioning the state of the art closer to the state of the practice
  • To strengthen the systems management and operations programs at the state and regional level
  • To establish a community of practice through the development of a peer network
  • To provide the next generation of leadership with the critical thinking skills for advancing system management and operations
  • To provide training on the use of other SHRP2 products


Upon completion of the ROF, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the importance and value of a management and operational focus within their agency
  • Know how to plan, program and organize for systems management and operations
  • More effectively use a management and operations perspective in identifying and implementing cost effective solutions to address transportation problems
  • Measure the performance of the operation strategies on their transportation network
  • Work with a peer network of regional agencies to share information, learn from the activities of others, and work together more effectively.
  • Apply the results of the SHRP2 research and other nationwide systems management and operations programs.

Target Audiences

  • Director/Manager of Traffic Operations
  • District/Division/State Traffic Engineers
  • Regional Director/Operations Chief
  • Director of Maintenance
  • Transportation Operations Center Manager
  • Manager of Traffic Engineering in state or local jurisdiction
  • Senior Transportation Planner in state or local jurisdiction or MPO
  • State Police

ROF Resources

There are a variety of ROF resources available to support transportation professionals in their pursuit of knowledge and information about new and innovative approaches for managing and operating the transportation system. These resources may be used in their entirety to deliver a localized ROF, or they may be used in part to introduce operations, explain a specific operational strategy, illustrate real-world application, or provide peer exchange. This library provides visitors with access to these resources for their own application and use.

Regional Operations Forum Fact Sheet

Introduction to the regional operations forum (ROF) concept with an overview of the challenge, solution, and benefits of the ROF. This may be used to introduce the ROF concept to those considering hosting a forum or being invited to participate in one. For more information, see here.

Regional Operations Forums for Advancing Systems Operations, Management and Reliability (2015)

Final report from SHRP2 Project L36 that developed the ROF curriculum and delivered five pilot forums. It includes an overview of the project work and appendices with a final matrix of the pilot ROF sessions, agendas, evaluation forms, scheduling and outreach documents, evaluation summaries, and sustainability options for future forums. This may be used as a historical reference to explain why and how the ROF concept was developed. For more information, see here.

Regional Operations Forum Setting the Stage

Introduction to TSMO and the ROF concept with a preview of the agenda and benefits of the ROF. This may be used at the beginning of a ROF to set expectations for participants. For more information, see here.

ROF Core Subject Course Presentation – Overview of Operations

One of five core subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. It identifies TSMO terms and strategies, the relationship between TSMO and the overall transportation system, and the steps needed to encourage TSMO support. This may be used to introduce and establish a common understanding of the subjects of operations and TSMO, and share the benefits of TSMO and the SHRP2 technical tools that can be used to support TSMO. For more information, see here.

ROF Core Subject Course Presentation – Planning and Programming for Operations

One of five core subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses the kind of program planning needed to guide TSMO improvements, and identifies the need for TSMO staff to interact with regional and statewide planners. This may be used to emphasize the importance of planning for TSMO to secure funding and follow agency planning processes, and also develop relationships with planners and MPOs. For more information, see here.

ROF Core Subject Course Presentation – Performance Measurement

One of five core subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses key considerations for developing performance measures, support tools, and a reporting scheme. This may be used to help identify how performance measures may be used in decision making and communication to improve operations. For more information, see here.

ROF Core Subject Course Presentation – Communicating Value of Operations

One of five core subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses how to identify stakeholders and target the message to build a compelling reason to implement TSMO. This may be used to help participants create useful messages to share with different audiences and beneficial tools and approaches for communicating these various messages. For more information, see here.

ROF Core Subject Course Presentation – How to Organize for Operations

One of five core subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses strategies to organize internally and staffing considerations to implement an effective TSMO program. This may be used help agencies overcome both internal and external organizational issues to enhance the effectiveness of TSMO. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Systems Engineering

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses the importance of systems engineering and the systems engineering process. Provides information on a Concept of Operations and Requirements, scaling the systems engineering process, and applying systems engineering within an organization. This may be used to introduce and promote systems engineering processes for developing and deploying more sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective systems that address the stakeholder needs. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Incident Management, Emergency Operations and Planned Spe

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses traffic incident management (TIM), emergency events, and nonrecurring congestion. Identifies the goals and implementation steps for TIM, Emergency Operations, and Planned Special Event programs. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies and tools to enhance operations in this area. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Managing a Corridor

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses a transportation corridor, how it is used, and the components of corridor management. Identifies background concepts and examples for active traffic management (ATM), managed lanes, and integrated corridor management (ICM). This may be used to provide an increased focus on innovative strategies and tools to enhance corridor management. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Road Weather Management

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses the need for road weather management, as well as associated principles and elements for agencies to proactively and effectively respond to weather events. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies and tools to improve road weather management. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Facilitating Goods Movement

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses the concept freight operations and goods movement, recurring bottlenecks, and emerging applications and technologies. Identifies how stakeholders can collaborate to improve operations and integrate freight considerations into operations. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies and tools to improve freight management. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Traveler Information for Operations

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Identifies the role and evolution of traveler information and the challenges that are being experienced by traveler information programs, as well as core components and relationship to other operations areas. Discusses the impact of social media and the future trends impacting traveler information programs. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies to improve traveler information. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Connected Vehicles

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses connected and automated vehicles (CAV) including technologies and applications, policy and implementation issues, and what public agencies need to do to prepare for CAV. This may be used to provide an increased focus on expected challenges and impacts related to CAV to help agencies anticipate changes in operations. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Multimodal Management

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Defines multimodal transportation management, identifies its objectives, and discusses the events contributing to non-recurring congestion and travel time variability. Identifies examples of how management strategies to improve travel time reliability were planned and implemented. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies and tools to improve multimodal management. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Safety and Operations

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses reasons for linking safety and operations. Identifies opportunities to affect safety and operations and shares photos of project examples. This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies and tools to improve safety and operations. For more information, see here.

ROF Optional Subject Course Presentation – Work Zones

One of several optional subject presentations from the ROF curriculum. Discusses work zone challenges, types, and policies and describes the development process and components of a transportation management plan (TMP). This may be used to provide an increased focus on available strategies, opportunities, and tools to improve work zone management. For more information, see here.

Regional Operations Forum – How to Organize for Operations

Peer presentation on Michigan DOT’s experience with organizing for operations. Defines an organization, what needs to be organized, and the pros and cons of different organizational structures. Identifies TSMO staffing considerations and organizational criteria. This may be used as a case study example to illustrate one agency’s approach and effects to organizing for operations. For more information, see here.

TSMO Caltrans Statewide Perspective

Customized ROF presentation used by Caltrans in 2017 to deliver regional overviews of TSMO. Describes TSMO in terms of managing traffic and incidents to minimize unexpected delays and improve safety for travelers and shippers. This may be used as a case study example to illustrate one agency’s approach and outcomes related to TSMO planning, coordination, goals, and progress, as well as TSMO cornerstones, connected corridors, corridor performance measurement, and related efforts. For more information, see here.

Regional Operations Forum Summary

Summary of regional operations forum for North/West Passage (NWP) pooled fund states focused on I-90/I-94 corridor from Washington state to Minnesota. Discusses the action strategies proposed by 3 groups and the selected action strategies for NWP consideration. Identifies the ROF participants, their agencies, and their contact information. This may be used as a case study example for agencies to understand what to expect from a ROF and highlight potential outcomes. For more information, see here.

Transportation Agencies Share SHRP2 Reliability Solutions: Success Stories for Advancing Operations

Article notes ROFs as a SHRP2 Reliability product and references Utah, Nevada, California, Missouri, Colorado and Tennessee forums. This may be used as case study examples to emphasize the benefits of enhancing operations. For more information, see here.

Maryland Regional Operations Forum

Overview of Maryland ROF held in April 2016. One ROF participant’s thoughts and impressions of the Maryland Regional Operations Forum. This may be used as part of marketing materials as an example of feedback and also help agencies understand what to expect from a ROF. For more information, see here.