Publications Search Results


Urban Freight Case Studies - New York City

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Freight Management and Operations, developed the Urban Freight Cases Studies as a way to document notable practices in urban goods movement. These case studies provide information on freight-related initiatives that mitigate congestion and impr

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Urban Freight Case Studies - Washington, DC

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Freight Management and Operations, developed the Urban Freight Cases Studies as a way to document notable practices in urban goods movement. These case studies provide information on freight-related initiatives that mitigate congestion and impr

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Columbus Electronic Freight Management Evaluation

Effective innovation in information technology (IT) may be the most important tool for the private and public sectors to respond to capacity constraints and congestion. Both sectors have been investigating and implementing new IT applications to help manage freight transportation, improve supply

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Freight Technology Assessment Tool

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) works with its partners to evaluate potential technology solutions to improve the reliability, efficiency, and security of the freight transportation system. Technology evaluation is a complex process requiring analysis of many factors, including freight

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An Agency Guide on How to Establish Localized Congestion Mitigation Programs

This document provides guidance to state and local transportation personnel who wish to develop a formal program for mitigating congestion using localized and lowcost bottleneck treatments. It presents several templates for developing a localized congestion mitigation program, including docu

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FHWA Operations Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference

The FHWA Office of Operations initiated this project in recognition that practitioners were in need of relevant and practical guidance in how to effectively conduct benefit/cost analysis of a wide spectrum of transportation system management and operations strategies. The Operations Benefit/Cost

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FHWA Operations Benefit Cost Analysis Desk Reference: Conducting Benefit/Cost Analysis of Strategies Impacting Non-Typical Traffic Conditions

This brochure provides an overview of analytical methods that may be applied to assess the impacts and benefits of various operations strategies that are targeted at mitigating the negative effects of traffic congestion caused by non-typical conditions such as incidents, high demand (special even

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Outcomes-Based, Performance-Driven Planning at Metro Portland

The Portland, Oregon metropolitan region is home to just under 1.4 million residents and encompasses 25 cities and 3 counties in 463 square miles of land. It is a metropolitan area whose leaders strive to meet the needs of a growing population by following an agreed upon regional growth managemen

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