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Publications Search Results


Project L14 SHRP2 Tuesday Webinar

This presentation was conducted as part of the SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar series. It was held on August 26, 2014. The objective of the webinar was to: • Identify efficient methods to introduce public awareness and understanding of the variability of travel time; • Identify effective terms to convey t

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Presentation to the Technical Coordinating Committee

Presented in Irvine, CA on April 8, 2010.

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Phase I Report Task 1: Literature Review – Addendum

Changeable message signs (CMSs), sometimes referred to as dynamic message signs or variable message signs, are being used nationwide to provide real-time information to drivers. Among the messages displayed are time-related messages. The following five time-related approaches are available for di

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Background Material

Focus Group Report: Task 6A – Focus Groups

The SHRP 2 Reliability program aims to improve trip time reliability by reducing the frequency and effects of events that cause travel times to fluctuate in an unpredictable manner. Congestion caused by unreliable, or non-recurring, events is roughly as large as congestion caused by routine bottl

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Project L14 Final Report

The second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Reliability program aims to improve trip time reliability by reducing the frequency and effects of events that cause travel times to fluctuate unpredictably. Congestion caused by unreliable, or nonrecurring, events is roughly as extensive as

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Interim Report (Task 4) – Develop Avenues of Investigation

Tasks 1 through 3 of this project examined previous literature, state‐of‐the‐art technology and future trends, and expert opinion concerning the dissemination of travel time reliability information.  Based on the results of these tasks, the project team formulated a focused set of paths

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Phase I Report Task 3: Technology and Innovation Scan

Traveler information can be acquired by travelers today through a number of media.  These media range from traditional roadside signage and broadcast media to newer electronic wireless and web‐based media.  The resulting mix of traffic and transportation system status data has

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Tasks 6-10 Report A3: Usability Study – Open‐Ended Survey

The human factors studies planned for Tasks 6‐10 were presented and approved by the panel in June 2010.   They consisted of focus groups and a usability study.  As conceived at that time, the usability study would employ computer‐based multiple choice testing of terminolo

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Phase I Report Task 2: Expert Interviews

The TTI research team conducted nine telephone interviews in February 2010.  The purpose of the interviews was to gather information regarding the state‐of‐the‐practice of disseminating travel time reliability information.  TTI researchers conducted interviews with experts in

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Background Material

Phase II Report Task 5: Management Plan

Tasks 1 through 3 of this project examined previous literature, state‐of‐the‐art technology and future trends, and expert opinion concerning the dissemination of travel time reliability information.  Based on the results of these tasks, the project team formulated a focused set of paths

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