Note: This page is specifically for Asset Management Peer Exchange Report. More information on the peer exchange, including presentations, can be found here.
On Sept. 11, Sept. 18, and Sept. 25, 2020, the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) hosted a virtual peer exchange on transportation asset management. The purpose of the peer exchange was to share knowledge between operations practitioners at transportation public agencies and other stakeholder groups.
The overall theme for this event centered on how Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) at each agency can be more integrated with its asset management program. Presentations covered the following topics (See agenda.):
- Topic 1: Defining Transportation Asset Management (TAM) for TSMO (Presentations: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Minnesota DOT)
- Topic 2: Inventory for TSMO Assets – Developing Inventories (Presentations: Utah DOT, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
- Topic 3: Inventory for TSMO Assets – Maintaining and Operating Inventories (Presentations: Iowa DOT, Minnesota DOT, Michigan DOT)
- Topic 4: Operation and Maintenance of TSMO Assets
The last section of the report includes a summary of the roundtable discussions for the last day of the peer exchange. The rest of this report includes a section on each of the topic areas above. Each section includes a high-level summary of the topics followed by a detailed summary of discussion highlights.
NOCoE Peer Exchanges switched to a virtual environment for 2020, with participants joining a virtual platform over a series of days to exchange information and TSMO best practices. Holding the peer exchange virtually, allowed a higher number of agencies to attend, and created opportunities for participation from different departments of each agency. The virtual peer exchange brought together over a dozen agencies from across the country and more than 40 participants per session, many remaining engaged through all three sessions.