The webinar describes the operational practices for displaying queue warning messages and the benefits of displaying queue warning messages. The webinar also discusses key considerations in actively managing queue warning messages. Lastly, the webinar highlights examples from operating agencies and lessons learned.
This webinar is part of Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study project to share information on traffic management system (TMS) emerging topics and an ongoing series focused on sharing information on emerging traffic management system (TMS) topics being co-sponsored by the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE), Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study, and FHWA.
- Alex Wassman (Missouri DOT) – Moderator
- Reno Giordano (WSP) – Presenter
- Garrett Schreiner (Minnesota DOT) – Presenter
- Dominic DelCol and Michael McNeill (Ohio DOT) – Presenter
- David Gaffney (Pennsylvania DOT) – Presenter
The previous webinars in the TMC series can be found here.
More resources on TMCs are available here.
- State and Local Departments of Transportation;
- Traffic Management Center Management;
- Consultants or contractors;
- Researcher/Academic; and
- Other individuals interested in or responsible for:
- managing traffic;
- coordinating and responding to incidents and planned and unplanned events; and
- planning, designing, implementing, maintaining, managing, and operating TMSs.
Full Webinar:
David Gaffney (Pennsylvania DOT) – Presenter | Dominic DelCol (Ohio DOT) – Presenter |
Garrett Schreiner (Minnesota DOT) – Presenter | Reno Giordano (WSP) – Presenter |