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NOCoE Listservs: How to Subscribe

In July 2016, NOCoE launched a series of email-based listservs to better facilitate discussion on a variety of TSMO topics within the practitioner community. These listservs are meant to support the activities of AASHTO's Subcommittee on TSMO (STSMO), along with AASHTO's Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM). These listservs are open for anyone to join (not just AASHTO members), and contribute their experiences for the betterment of the TSMO Community.

There are currently seven different listservs available to join:

Below are a few instructions related to the general use of the listserv and its functionality:


1.       You will receive an initial email alerting you to your listserv subscription. Once you receive this email, you can begin posting topics for discussion.

2.       In order to initiate a new discussion, send an email to, with an appropriate subject line that frames the topic of interest.

3.       All subscribers to the listserv will receive an email notification whenever a new topic is started. At this time, there is not a way to selectively opt-in/out of emails that launch a new discussion topic.

4.       In order to respond to the original topic (or to another response), simply “Reply” to the email notification that you receive.

5.       If you would like to be unsubscribed to the listserv, please email

Please note, this listserv will be loosely moderated – any posts of concern should be forwarded to for review. We strongly encourage participants from all sectors (private industry, public agencies, research groups, etc.) to participate in these listserv discussions – such is the collaborative nature with TSM&O, and the broad nature of engagement with which NOCoE operates. With that in mind, please refrain from using this listserv for extensive personal conversations, commercial interests (other than posts related to product development & stakeholder needs), and any other “off-topic” items.


As these listservs grow in use, we will periodically “curate” the individual threads, extracting any documents or technical resources that are shared, for posting on the NOCoE knowledge center. Through this effort, we hope to promote their availability, and solicit other contributions to increase the resources available.