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U.S Department of Transportation Releases Assessment of Communications Technology for Connected Vehicles

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has released a new Report to Congress assessing the status of the 5.9 Gigahertz dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) to enable connected vehicle technologies and applications. The assessment has found that DSRC is ready for deployment and DSRC-based technologies and applications offer a path to a safer and more efficient surface transportation system for our nation.

DSRC is a Wi-Fi derivative technology developed to meet specialized needs for secure, low latency, wireless mobile data communications. It is uniquely configured to enable continuous, high-speed, trusted and authenticable data exchange among moving vehicles and between vehicles and roadway infrastructure or mobile devices, to support safety-critical applications, as well as less demanding mobility and environmental applications.

The Status of the Dedicated Short-Range Communications Technology and Applications: Report to Congress also assesses known and potential gaps in DSRC technology and applications; describes a recommended implementation path; and discusses opportunities to use commercially available communications for connected vehicle applications under specific circumstances.

DSRC has proven the ability to provide the critical attributes needed to support connected vehicle safety applications, which no other wireless technology has at this time. DSRC can be configured to enable real-time crash-avoidance alerts and warnings, offering a significant opportunity to transform transportation safety, including the potential to address 83 percent of light-vehicle crashes involving unimpaired drivers. DSRC also provides an important new capability for enhancing the performance and safety of automated vehicles, allowing automation to reach its full potential.

To view the full Status of the Dedicated Short-Range Communications Technology and Applications: Report to Congress, visit:
To view the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's research report analyzing the safety benefits of vehicle-to-vehicle communications technology, visit: