Faisal Saleem Chosen as
New NOCoE Director
Faisal Saleem has been selected as the new Director for the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE). He will begin his role in mid-January of 2022.
Faisal has dedicated his career to advancing TSMO through ITS strategies and solutions to improve safety, mobility, and efficiency. Faisal has served the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) for nearly 20 years as the ITS Branch Manager, the MCDOT SMARTDrive Program Manager and the AZTech Technical Lead. He has been instrumental in mainstreaming TSMO institutionally by leading MCDOT and AZTech (a regional ITS partnership) in process improvements through the integration of TSMO strategies and solutions.
Faisal has served the industry nationally as a key leader in advancing ITS and TSMO. In addition to participating and leading national trainings and technology transfer events, Faisal was named as a NOCoE TSMO Champion in 2020.
As the new NOCoE Director, Faisal’s primary responsibility will be to advance the mission of NOCoE: to provide centralized services to the transportation industry through workforce development, advancing the deployment of technology and practices, and the mainstreaming of TSMO across the industry.
Faisal will lead a NOCoE team experienced in transferring knowledge to advance the TSMO industry. Adam Hopps, currently Interim Director, will lead NOCoE’s technical services and communications efforts going forward. Niloo Parvinashtiani of ITE will continue to manage the NOCoE webinar program with the support of Kevin Viita from ITS America, and Sarah Abel and Doug Noble of ITE will continue to organize NOCoE’s peer exchanges.
For more information on NOCoE, visit https://transportationops.org/.
About the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE)
NOCoE provides services to the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community to saves lives, improve travel times, and enhance economic vitality. With an emphasis on workforce development, NOCoE aims to assist in the deployment of technologies and the mainstreaming of TSMO solutions by fostering education, networking, communication, and knowledge transfer.
For more information, please visit www.transportationops.org.
Sarah Abel
Technical Services: Peer Exchanges
Niloo Parvinashtiani
Technical Services: Webinars and Peer Exchanges
Adam Hopps
Interim Managing Director