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Please tune in to a livestream event with ITS Pennsylvania for its demonstration of connected and autonomous vehicles technologies during the MASITE-ITSPA Joint Conference. The showcase will livestream on August 30th at 1:30 p.m. EDT. The event will allow participants to view a demonstration of the safety benefits for emergency responders, roadside workers, and the general public. Adam Hopps with Toxcel will lead the demonstration. 

The connected and autonomous event at The Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute’s Test Track will showcase connected vehicle technologies and demonstrate their safety benefits for emergency responders, road side workers, and the general public. This will include a staged roadside incident with connected responder vehicles equipped with DSRC radios that will broadcast crash avoidance warning messages. 

Additionally, there will be an autonomous truck demonstration in which the truck would recognize the crash scene and/or police officer standing in the lane in front of their vehicle and come to a stop; an automated vehicle demonstrating features would adjust to the scene appropriately; and, a police guidance demonstration showing a police vehicle entering the closed lane and autonomous vehicles would follow through the crash scene.

Please use the following IP address, username and password to join via video (there will be no audio).  

IP address:

Username: itspademo    

Password:  Demouser1!​