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FAST Act ATCMTD and STSFA Grant Availability

On March 22nd, FHWA released solicitations for proposals on the FAST Act Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (Section 6004) and Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (Section 6020) grant programs.  The press releases can be found at and .

The Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) program is intended to provide funding for eligible entities to develop model deployments of large scale implementation and operation of a diverse set of advanced transportation technologies in various geographic regions. The purpose of the program is to reduce costs and improve return on investments; deliver environmental benefits through increased mobility; improve transportation system operations; improve safety; improve collection and dissemination of real-time information; monitor transportation assets; deliver economic benefits; and accelerate deployment of connected / autonomous vehicle technologies. Each year (FY 2016-2020) a maximum of $60 million, less up to $2 million for US DOT administrative expenses, will be available to award 5 to 10 grants not exceeding $12 million each.  These grants will make up no more than 50% of total proposed project costs, with the remainder coming from non-Federal sources.  Eligible grant recipients include State and local governments or other political subdivisions, transit agencies, larger MPOs (representing 200,000 or more population), multijurisdictional groups, or consortia of research or academic institutions.

The Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) program’s purpose is to provide grants to States to demonstrate user based alternative revenue mechanisms that utilize a user fee structure to maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.  $15 million in FY 2016 and $20 million annually from FY 2017 to FY 2020 will be made available for grants for demonstration projects.  These grants will make up no more than 50% of total proposed project costs, with the remainder coming from non-Federal sources.  This grant is only available to States or groups of States and requires a State DOT to be the lead for purposes of receiving funds.

A public webinar for each (ATCMTD – March 29 & STSFA – April 1) will be held. Information on the webinars is contained in the NOFOs; ATCMTD - & STSFA -