Regional Transportation System Management and Operations Plan:
Transportation System Management and Operations strategies provide money-saving, multimodal solutions that relieve congestion, optimize infrastructure investments, promote travel options and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A part of the Regional Transportation Plan, the Regional TSMO Plan is a road map to guide transportation management investments and implementation through 2020.
The plan includes strategies that support many regional transportation goals:
- improve travel time reliability
- reduce crashes
- improve transit on-time arrival
- reduce travel delay
- reduce fuel use
- reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
Reliability - Provide reliable travel times for people and goods movement.
Safety and security - Enhance transportation safety and security for all modes.
Quality of life - Enhance the enviornment and quality of life by supporting state and regional greenhouse gas reduction and air quality goals.
Traveler information - Provide comprehensive multimodal traveler information to people and businesses.