Update to AASHTO’s Visualization in Transportation: A Guide for Transportation Agencies


The AASHTO Technical Committee on Environmental Design (TCED) developed the AASHTO Guide for Visualization in Transportation in 2001 and updated it in 2003. The guide has provided valuable assistance to State Departments of Transportation across the country that are seeking sound information, guidance and technical assistance on visualization. Visualization has become widespread and an important technology in all aspects of transportation. Visualization technology is accelerating at a rapid pace and is constantly evolving. In addition, visualization has become a core tool throughout transportation project development and delivery and has become a key technology for communicating alternatives as a project advances. Further, visualization has also become an important tool in understanding and conveying a project area’s existing context that forms the basis for all transportation solutions. Better communication and understanding of existing conditions in context with proposed solutions aids project planners, designers, constructors, administrators and the general public to more effectively collaborate towards mutually acceptable results faster while achieving better project outcomes. The widely utilized AASHTO Visualization in Transportation guide has become a standard reference document within the transportation community for developing visualization work deliverables. The Guide is used as a standard reference document within the transportation community for developing visualization work deliverables. The Guide’s content and information value is vitally important for a transportation agency’s ability to better plan, estimate, develop and deliver important infrastructure projects. The Guide may also be used to improve communication and collaboration among project developers, transportation officials and the general public necessary for advancing a project. However, the Guide has become out of date as a result of incremental but rapidly accelerating technological, imaging and other information technology advancements that have taken place over the past few years.

Source Organization Location


Operations Area of Practice

    Tools for Small Agencies
    TSMO Culture
    Planning for Operations
    Livability / Environmental Sustainability
    Economic Sustainability
    Adaptation / Resiliency of the Transportation Network
    Complete Streets / Context Sensitive Solutions

Organizational Capability Element

    Local government/MPO/RTPA cooperation
    Public safety agency collaboration

Content Type


Role in Organization

Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager

Publishing Organization

Kevin Gilson, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Issue Date