NCHRP Project 25-25(04), Environmental Stewardship Practices, Procedures, and Policies for Highway Construction and Maintenance, was conducted to develop a compendium of practices for integrating environmental stewardship into construction, operations, and maintenance activities (see note below). This final report on the project contains 11 chapters addressing different aspects of environmental stewardship practices for highway construction and Maintenance. Chapter 8 of the report, Winter Operations and Salt, Sand, and Chemical Management, identifies recommended practices for strategic planning for reduced salt usage, and looks at initiatives by leading DOTs, and practices and accomplishments in specific program areas to achieve such reductions and improve environmental outcomes. Although Chapter 8 provides the foundational elements that guide the development of environmental management systems and environmental strategic plans for state DOTs, many of the strategies contained in the chapter, particularly those in Chapter 8.3, Strategic Planning for Reduced Salt Usage, need to be updated. NCHRP Project 20-07/Task 318 was conducted to prepare an updated version of Chapter 8 to replace the current chapter in the final report for NCHRP Project 25-25(04).Source Organization Location
Operations Area of Practice
Road Weather Management
Equipment Management
Organizational Capability Element
Road Weather Management
Content Type
Role in Organization
Transportation Planner
Senior Engineer
Principal Engineer
Manager / First Line Supervisor
Director / Program Manager
Maintenance Staff
CEO / GM / Commissioner
Senior Manager
Public Safety Officer
Transit Professional
Associate Engineer
Media / PIO
Publishing Organization