TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2396 consists of 16 pages that explore collisions in freeway traffic; self-learning adaptive ramp metering; macroscopic travel time reliability diagrams for freeway networks; the impact of heavy vehicles on freeway operating characteristics under congested conditions; an analysis of corridor management strategies; and traffic queue estimations for metered motorway on-ramps.
This issue of the TRR also examines an estimation of diversion rate during incidents; travel time reliability on freeway facilities; route travel time distributions; secondary crashes on freeways; weather-responsive traffic management strategies; smart event traffic management; the impacts to transit from variably priced toll lanes; simulating high-occupancy toll lane operations; lane flow distributions on hard shoulder running freeways; and lane-changing behavior along different types of high-occupancy vehicle facilities.
This issue includes the following articles: